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Some Drawback Ideas

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I'm new to the forum, I'll admit I haven't read much.  If others have suggested this already, then these are just votes for it.  If they're new, yea!



- I remember a certain other game where people would get depressed and you could have characters talk to other characters to cheer them up.  My suggestion is a little different.  What if a character talked to other characters about conspiracies and such.  Talkers talking to other Talkers will lower each other's stress but when a talker talks to a non-talker the non-talker stops working and non-talker's stress level to raise, own goes down.  Any of the duplicant's in 'ear-shot' hear the talker and have their stress level go up...  However, two talkers who talk to each other will work FASTER, and lower each-other's/their-own stress levels.  So, lots of talkers would benefit each other, while a few talkers in a larger group bring the group down.



- The Duplicant sleeps during the day and works during the night, their working at night can wake up other duplicants if they walk past another sleeping duplicant.



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4 hours ago, Sasuga said:


- The Duplicant sleeps during the day and works during the night, their working at night can wake up other duplicants if they walk past another sleeping duplicant.

In case it would just move the sleep cycle of the duplicant forward (so he'll go to bed in the morning and then sleep the usual time) it would make sense - swapping day/night cycle completely for them would make them useless as they would be mainly asleep.

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