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network layers and other gas/liquid/electric ideas.

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Currently the electric/liquid/gas networks is somewhat awkward, especially for complex networks overlaying one-another.

Instead of have bridges to cross networks, have network layers perhaps with different colors. network (a) can be engineered and created completely independent of network (b) and so forth up to X number of layers.

Now you can create a gas network for only O2 and a separate one for only dirty O2.

In addition, in real life, pumps don't always have to be place in the location of material entry. An intake point (the opposite of a vent) should available and the pumps can be located in a central location.

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My view on this is that it should be a requirement for game release.  Without this it's rather gimmicky trying to lay out circuitry and gas or liquid piping.  Being able to abstract various roles to different layers would make for an awesome, clean and effective construction.  The layers themselves could be color coded to match the type of material assigned to them.

Another mini suggestion, and this is just for neatness which I'm sure Klei are very fond of is to color code based on what's being managed.  Allow the users to set a name and color code as they deem fit if they want to, but by default you could color code the piping and circuitry based on what is found on that layer.

For example If the liquid piping laid out on Layer 1 is pumping out of a water reservior and only clean (blue blobs) of water ever flow through said piping, the square icon could be blue.  If on the other hand the piping has contaminated AND clean water present within it, the color coded square would be half blue and half brown.  This gives an easy quick reference to the player of what they can find on each layer, and also help them spot if a layer is handling more sources than it was intended to!

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To the Game Devs:

Please consider this again, especially given the new limits on light/heavy wiring and the increased need to overlay one wiring/gas/liquid network over another.

In addition, please consider adding in gas/liquid manifolds. As now, liquid/gas is treated as discrete units routed equally between splits. If one has 8 destinations, the last one will receive 1/8 of all routed units, while the first one will receive 1/2. This is not optimal if trying to develop a central distribution system (ie. AC).

The solution is a manifold that takes multiple inputs and fairly distribute among multiple outputs. It would be nice if it can do unit consolidation as well.


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