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Hmm, I dunno.

I kind of like how Klei have handled it so far, where they kind of just nudge you in the right direction of what you're supposed to be doing.

Maybe a more extensive tutorial on how wiring and plumbing works would do the game nicely, as that stuff confused me the most while I was messing with it the first time 'round.

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2 hours ago, cryogenicManipulator said:

Maybe a more extensive tutorial on how wiring and plumbing works would do the game nicely, as that stuff confused me the most while I was messing with it the first time 'round.

I'm right there with ya on the plumbing one.. Still can't quite get the hang of it. Though, I feel like tutorial items would be a later-game addition, for now.

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Little off-topic, but if I don't pay close attention when setting up my plumbing I am certain to accidently muddle it up: I not sure why, but I have trouble keeping the input and output symbols straight in my head even though they logically seem sensible when I consider them individually. Maybe its because they are so similar? The colour coding doesn't really help because its not intuititive associating green with an input (thinking about it, a lot of exit signs are green :P), you have to simply remember 'input is green'.

I'd honestly have an easier time if the input/outputs were just labeled with 'IN' and 'OUT' (and maybe 'FIL' for filtered output).

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I was completely frustrated my first game.  I made it 10 cycles and everyone was dead.  Super sad.  I hope someone is working on and/or thinking about making a step-by-step in-game tutorial, because without it, I think the average game player is going to end up disliking the game and not understanding (or being able to articulate) why.  Just my two cents. And I realize that it's in alpha, but I also think that the tutorial stuff is so important to the overall experience of any game, that it should be a major consideration early-on.

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