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Looking for Wendy Guest of Honor

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I currently own a copy of Payday 2 ($20) I am looking for mainly Wendy Guest of Honor (Around $15) or Triumphant (Around $17)

Lets keep it simple I do not expect any profit. If you send me a trade RIGHT NOW i will accept it you get about a 4 Dollar Profit on steam and we both get what we want (I hope)

Here is my trade URL  https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=232921687&token=CQfdQzuh 

(I don't even mind if its a 15 day wait)

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9 minutes ago, MrDeepDarkmind said:

which payday 2 is it or just normal payday because the game is just 3-5$ on G2a for the game key which tbh that is some what sort of trick there kinda didn't like saying this but pretty sure people would get games over g2a or steam if its on sale 


Wait a second here. Are you replying to your own query? Both this account and the OP lead to a Steam account named L@P1S L@ZUL1. There's even a thread when T0p and you are talking.


I don't quite know how you got two accounts, in fact; I've always thought we are not allowed duplicate ones. When did it change? Looks like I've got to re-read the ToS!

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