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How to change the maximum stack size of one prefab to a custom size via a mod

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As the title says, I want to give a specific item a new maximum stack size in a mod. While this is joyfully (or maybe ridiculously) simple to do in Don't Starve:


local function changestackA(inst)
	inst.components.stackable.maxsize = 12

local function changestackB(inst)
	inst.components.stackable.maxsize = 53

AddPrefabPostInit("poop",changestackA) --manure now stacks up to 12
AddPrefabPostInit("cutgrass",changestackB) --cut grass now stacks up to 53


...I can't manage to do the same in Don't Starve Together. Whatever I thought to attempt only caused an error related to stackable_replica.lua or just had no discernible effect.  I tried to look into it and it appears that in DST item stack sizes may be based on predefined amounts in a local table in stackable_replica.lua. I'm quite stumped, as I'm not sure how to go about dealing with that, or if netcode is related to my problems...

Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for any help. :)

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local function GetTableFromFunction(tablename, func)
	local debug = GLOBAL.debug
	local i = 1
	while true do
		local n, v = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
		if not n then
			return nil
		if n == tablename then
			return v
		i = i + 1

local stackable_replica = GLOBAL.require("components/stackable_replica")

-- if another mod touches the constructor to do the same, game could break
-- lets hope people use variables that can hold MORE values, instead of LESS (who would do this???)
-- if they do, then we are good, all values (ours and theirs) can be represented by the net variables
stackable_replica._ctor = function(self, inst)
	self.inst = inst
	-- net_byte allows 0..255 different stack values
	-- this holds the number of items in the stack
	self._stacksize = GLOBAL.net_byte(inst.GUID, "stackable._stacksize", "stacksizedirty")
	-- net_smallbyte allows 0..63 different max values
	-- max sizes are encoded, this variable holds the key to the max size in the table
	self._maxsize = GLOBAL.net_smallbyte(inst.GUID, "stackable._maxsize")

-- these tables are available via upvalue hacking
local STACK_SIZES = GetTableFromFunction("STACK_SIZES", stackable_replica.MaxSize)
local STACK_SIZE_CODES = GetTableFromFunction("STACK_SIZE_CODES", stackable_replica.SetMaxSize)

-- my new max sizes, ready to encode
-- these should be used when doing
-- inst.components.stackable.maxsize = 12
local my_new_maxsizes = {12, 53}

-- add my values to the max stack sizes
for k, v in pairs(my_new_maxsizes) do
	table.insert(STACK_SIZES, v)

-- clean the inverted table
for k, v in pairs(STACK_SIZE_CODES) do

-- now invert sizes into codes
for k, v in pairs(STACK_SIZES) do

-- now we do stuff
-- clients don't have stackable component, so the game would crash
-- the AddPrefabPostInit should be inside a if that checks that TheNet is server
-- or you add the stackable component check

local function changestackA(inst)
	if inst.components.stackable then
		inst.components.stackable.maxsize = 12

local function changestackB(inst)
	if inst.components.stackable then
		inst.components.stackable.maxsize = 53

AddPrefabPostInit("poop", changestackA) --manure now stacks up to 12
AddPrefabPostInit("cutgrass", changestackB) --cut grass now stacks up to 53

As simple as that, baybeeeeee, as simple as that.

Edited by DarkXero
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Whoa! Yeah, simple indeed.:D

That's pretty ingenious, using the debug function to access a local table like that.
Much thanks!!! The required method here is pretty involved! I definitely wouldn't have been able to figure all of this out. Well-commented, too. Needless to say, you're awesome.

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