Some Warly recipes suggestions!

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Since Warly's cooking abilities is a great concept, and we've already got 4 special dishes that only Warly can cook, here's a few more suggestions for some dishes, to give more option for the players

  • Seaweed spaghetti [3 seaweed + vegetable] (27 health, 27 hunger, 5 sanity) 
  • Mocha Brownies! [coffee, 1 egg, 1 butter, 1 honey] (55 health, 37 hunger, 5 sanity, Increases movement speed by 2 (coffee is 5) for 2 minutes) (this could stack with the coffee speed boost!)
  • Mushrooms Calzone (1 egg, 1 of any mushrooms, 2 vegetables) [15 health, 55 hunger, 10 sanity]

And maybe, a special food that gets rid of poison? Can't think of that one, though.

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Some ideas i had

Fish'N'Chips: 2 Tropical Fish, 1 Sweet Potatoe and 1 Egg

Crab Cake: 1 Living Crab, 1 Egg and 2 Veggy Fillers.

Escargot: 2 Limpets and 2 Veggy fillers

Coconut Pie: 2 Halved Coconuts, 1 Egg and 1 Honey

Also some for RoG Worlds.

Froglegs ala Carte: 2 Froglegs and 2 Veggy Fillers

Stuffed Turkey: 2 Turkylegs, 1 Roasted Birchnut and Berrys


Not sure about Stats for those but they are recipes i though would fit. Obviously these could also just be normal recipes and not be Warly Exclusive at least the SW recipes should be actual things because this would spice up the SW recipes a bit.

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Maybe some of his special recipes could also include other stat boosts besides speed? Or x over time (x sanity for a period, or health) effects?

As for a food that cures poison, definitely should involve mushrooms and monster meat. Maybe even allow poison gland, spider gland, or heal sac to be allowed in crockpots for such a recipe.

Don't think we need something stacking with the coffee boost; it feels fast enough.

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i think ingredients that aren't required for specific dishes would be nice to have. He should have fun/variety dishes and some harder super dishes.

Fun recipes i thought,

Mish mash mush: 1 red, green, blue, mushroom +1 filler = 25/25/25 stats / 10 days (a plate with mixed color mashed mushrooms)

Pop bucket: 4 popcorns = 75/10san/40hp stats /  20 days (It's literally a giant bucket of popcorn, provides less hunger than 4 corns but more hp/san and lasts longer)

Coco candy : 2 conconut / 2 sweetner  = 37.5/15/20 / 10days (like pumpkin cookkie but gives hp and uses 2 coconuts)

Pizza = Corn + pomegranate + egg + meat = 75 / 15 / 30 / 15 days (It's a pizza. Not sure what else to explain)

Some recipes that have special powers (dont take them too seriously):

Dragon Cake = 4 dragon fruits = 150/ 50 / 100 / 15 days and inscreases Warly stat cap by 25 points for 3 days, can be stacked twice up to 300/200/200 stats for 5 days, time resets if eaten again. (I know it sounds broken, but it still gives less than 4 dragon pies and if you can get this many dragon fruits you deserve it, 

Meat Eye Balls = 1 Tiger Shark Eye + 3 big meats = 75 / minus 30 san / 20 / 15 days . Increases Warly map discovery range by 2.5x for 1 day, can't be stacked (good for using coffe and exploring sea or new world),

Poison Chili = 2 monster meat / 2 durian = 37.5/ -10 / -100 hp / 15 days (this food takes 100 hp, you're not supposed to eat it, you're supposed to throw on the ground so other creatures eat it and die like pigs, spiders or bearger. Would give a reason to ever make durians...)

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