Sunken cruise liner suggestion

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This thought came from the current volcano set up. I think it would be cool if there was a sunken cruise liner that functioned similar to the volcano as another area to explore. I think this addition would be a good alternative to diving(if that mechanic doesn't work) to access tenticles (tenticles reaching through the holes in the flooring) for tenticle spots. Plus you could add new enemies, items, and maybe a boss. What do you guys think?

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This makes me think there could be an iceberg floating around you could mine for ice.

Say, that'd be an idea for another dungeon. A huge iceberg roughly the size of the Volcano you can enter and find stuff in. It's the only place in the world where it's actually freezing cold. Except in Dry Season where the insides melt and pretty much everywhere is flooded.

Oh and maybe there'd be a crashed cruise ship as a turf type full of monsters.

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4 hours ago, SapphireBullets said:

I'd have thought that instead of three sinkholes there'd be three different dungeon type areas with their own stuff.

The Volcano is one, the Iceberg is the second... There's been suggestion of a diving segment but I'd be more interested in an Underwater cave where you resurface into a cavern.

My underwater caves suggestion thingy is basically diving in a cave format haha. Though now only modders would add these things...*sighs in sadness* 

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I actually kind of regret Shipwrecked not being as haunting as the original games were.  Or maybe it's because I got a little more used to the format, but it does seem a more cheerful, colorful place than vanilla or RoG.  Anything that creeps the heck up out of it gets my vote.

I should probably get around to looking for some mods to install after this current play through to see if I can make it creepier.

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