Is Poison BROKEN? You be the Judge!! Poison Challenge as Wes

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Hey lovely Don't Starve people!!


I came up with the idea of a poison challenge, because many people believe poison is broken early game, and I wanted to see for myself. As soon as I spawn into the world as Wes, I poison myself, then try to get an antidote! Here's the video of me trying the challenge!

If you want to try the challenge yourself, the console command for spawning the snake is c_spawn ("snake_poison")

Let me know how you do ^___^


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Been there, done that (albeit unintentionally).

Started a fresh world as Wes and got poisoned accidentally very early on (day 4 I think it was?). I had discovered both of my touchstones already and it was very tempting to just burn one, but I had plenty of flowers on the island so I decided to press my luck instead. My "luck" played out with me living off butterfly wings, butter, and healing salves for about 7-9 days while I tried to not only get set up, but also get a venom gland.

During that time I discovered a bug where the poison suddenly stacked itself when I tried to sleep one day (straw roll) to save some of my supply so I wouldn't be wasting the butterfly wings when I was at full hunger. To my horror, Wes woke up and was getting 2-3 ticks per instance now, putting me at 1 hp at one point during my scavenging. Perhaps mercifully as I was almost completely out of healing items, I finally got a poison snake to drop a gland for me at this point, and I had collected the other ingredients during the rest of my painful endurance test. Spent the remainder of that day grabbing more butterflies and coming very close to summoning Krampus.

Wasted most of the easy season protecting my ego I guess you could say, but I lived.

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I do recall one instance as Wigfrid where I ended up getting poisoned on an island with 13 tier 3 spider dens early on. To be completely honest due to the fact that poison makes you get hungry slower, it was actually a very good thing at the time. To counter the loss of health and sanity all I had to do was kill a spider to get a small regain to both, or if I was really low I could just use one of the many spider glands that was dropped. Long story short I killed every single tier 3 den and 2-3 spider queens before finally curing myself and replacing all the dens as tier 1's and was practically swimming in silk until I finally died in summer.

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Poison is a simple good and initially challenging mechanic, it will probably cause death for the first couple of times and when piled on top of other mechanics in the game.

On the other hand, I think those butterflies are what's weird mostly, they give 8 health (Same as a spider gland) + 9 hunger as well, which is ridiculous for how easy they are to kill, provided you spot a decently sized patch of flowers.  They're basically "seeds on roids".  I guess the Krampus mechanic may be a stabilizer of sorts, although I'm sure in most cases he's summoned he just gets his ass whooped. :p

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