Unlockable cave person?

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So, I was poking around on the wiki looking at unimplemented/speculated section and found this.

Kevin said: "I'm not against having a secret character unlock down in the depths of the cave, but it would probably end up being a more esoteric one, like Wortox or something else non-human."

Now naturally, i began thinking about this, and I came up with a few ideas. While a few are not so "esoteric," they would still be cool.

  • Wagner: Pretty much the "Woodie" of the caves. Starts off with an unbreakable pickaxe, just like Lucy, and turns into a rock lobster or something like that if he mines too much. Might be too underpowered because you need rocks a lot less than you need wood, but still, its a thought.
  • Wilma: A bunnywoman. Not a bunnyman. Also not as big as a bunnyman. Gets a small sanity boost from picking up carrots. Cannot eat meat, much like Winnie. If she is indeed carrying meat, the bunnymen will not attack her. Normal bunnies won't run, as they have no reason to (prestihatilator might be an issue though). One possible problem with Wilma is that she would have to have separate hat/helmet models that would feature ear slots due to her large hearing devices located upon her noggin.
  • Warwick: A dwarf. Also a clear reference to Warwick Davis. Battle capabilities similar to that of Wigfrid, requiring a special battle helmet to function. instead of a spear, he would use a battleaxe, which would have a slow swing time (would also be animated like a pickaxe swing). The time it takes to swing the weapon would be not only made up for with damage, but with added defense from the helmet when wielding the battleaxe.
  • Whitaker: A rock lobster. Much like Wilmain a sense that I'm basically just character-izing an existing underground mob, but no matter. Has no speed issues like his brethren, but when moistened he begins to gather moss which gradually slows him down to the same speed as the normal rock lobsters. This can be removed by applying the "golden razor" item (made with, you guessed it, gold instead of flint) directly to the character. This act yields "moss" as an item that can be used as fuel and can be used to make a flower garden or something like that. He is always the same strength as Wolfgang is when he has a full belly. The lack of hunger weakening is made up for with the moss mechanic.

At the moment, that's all I got. Might add more later. I realize this may be an abandoned idea as of the release of shipwrecked, but who knows? Maybe the holy Kevin will return to the cave world of RoG to bless us with a new character. He might even make it a thing in the (possible) underwater caves of Shipwrecked.

Now that I've probably made myself look like a complete fool by praising the wrong dude because I am n00b, I shall depart.

Feedback and thoughts on my ideas are appreciated, btw! If you have any of your own, please share them! :wolfgangstache:

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18 minutes ago, F0ZZY said:

Oh, ok. Sorry, I've never actually been on the Klei forums before, but I have been on others. Didn't exactly understand how the system of "power" worked here.

No need to be sorry! Welcome to the forums, by the way! I hope you have a great time here with this community :D 

Also, have you read the Forum's Guidelines? Might be a good thing to do, to assure your stay here is fine and dandy!

I really liked your ideas! My personal favorites have to be Warwick and Wilma. Dunno why, I just like their concept and main characteristics :p

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9 hours ago, ImDaMisterL said:

No need to be sorry! Welcome to the forums, by the way! I hope you have a great time here with this community :D 

Also, have you read the Forum's Guidelines? Might be a good thing to do, to assure your stay here is fine and dandy!

I really liked your ideas! My personal favorites have to be Warwick and Wilma. Dunno why, I just like their concept and main characteristics :p

Thank you, kind sir/madam! I appreciate the link! I had forgotten to check those.

I would assume the appeal of Warwick is that people have been complaining about the lack of weapons or extra combat styles for a while. Oddly enough, those seem to be my favorites as well. I tried to think of some other characters that were more original, possibly less related to things already included in the game, but I'm fresh out of ideas.

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