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Which is the cleanest way to stop a DST server?

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It seems that dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer do nothing when it receive a Ctrl + C signal. I mean that it doesn't save the status before the SO kills it. Or at least it don't print nothing in the log like it does when you tipe c_shutdown(true) in the console.


Can anyone confirm that we must shut down the server carefully? Which is the best way to shut down the server? Is c_shutdown(true)? Or are there better options?

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I have always used c_shutdown() without the "true" and it has seemed to work fine. Everything is saved from when the server paused.


Only bug I've found when doing a hard shutdown (i.e. just closing the window) is that some plants never grow until being dug up and planted again.

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Is there a way to shut down the server without using the console? So far the only way to shut down the server gracefully is to use the console.


Are you referring to the in-game console or the command window for each server. I use the command window and just copy-paste the shutdown command into each one after I have quit the server. This has not caused any problems with regards to data saving, etc.

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Ye, I'm refering to the command window, server-side, using the command line interface. I was wondering if there's a way to shut down the server without it.

Not that I know of; unless you type c_shutdown(1) into the client when on the server, but that only shuts down the server you're on; the other server remains open, so you'll still have to use the command window.

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