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The Third Dimension


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This is mostly a question for the devs, but if you know the answer, please do tell.


What do the Y Values in Transform operations do? Is there a third dimension in the game? If not, is there any way to consistently correctly transform prefabs to mimic a vertical offset?


Speaking of the devs, is there a specific place I should ask questions to the devs?

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There is indeed a Y axis, but it's rarely used (birds, frog rain, bouncing items, etc.)


You can notify individual devs using [ member='ForumProfileName' ] but without the spacing inbetween. Refrain of doing that for little questions like this, just so that they can focus on, you know, working and stuff.

They generally read through most posts in the forums, but it takes some time, especially during hot times like this.

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There is indeed a Y axis, but it's rarely used (birds, frog rain, bouncing items, etc.)


You can notify individual devs using [ member='ForumProfileName' ] but without the spacing inbetween. Refrain of doing that for little questions like this, just so that they can focus on, you know, working and stuff.

They generally read through most posts in the forums, but it takes some time, especially during hot times like this.

Thank you, this information is incredibly helpful.

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