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Wendy The Hermit, on the run.

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So, I bought Don't Starve in it's very, very earlier stages. I played singleplayer for a long time, often dying, but when I finally managed to make it to day 65 without dying, I liked to consider myself a veteran, telling myself I knew everything about Don't Starve, and that I could survive anything.


This particular Wendy changed my mind about that.


So, I think it might have been the 3rd or 4th Dont Starve Together server I had ever played on. I always play as Webber, because I love him and never got a chance to play him in single player because i don't own RoG. I can't remember exactly what happened, but it mostly went like this:


Me, wickerbottom, wolfgang, and A 2nd webber who we'll just call Webber 2.0 made a base. The server was stuffed full of people. It was the beginning of autumn and everyone was rushing to make a base. Almost everyone on the server was chatting and socializing, but what I hadn't noticed was this particular Wendy had never spoken. It looked like she was the only one who had been there since the world had last reset. Everyone in the server kind of grouped into 2-3 different groups, and we all made bases. I never once encountered this Wendy.


My base was pretty well-fortified. It had a few tents, a bird cage, a bunch of farms, a nice group of spider nests me and my fellow Webber planted a little away from the base, which easily helped us fend off hound attacks. We had based in a deciduous forest, right next to the pig king. Luckily the pigs were far enough away that they did not bother me and my webber friend. Soon, a wigfrid joined our base, and then a Wilson. More people started joining until most of the server was in our base. Everyone except Wendy. We never noticed her, as she didnt complain about being alone. She never talked, so we all kind of ignored her presence on the server.


Now, skip a few days, winter comes. Most of us are prepared, there have been a few deaths, but we have cared for them well. It all goes downhill when Hounds and Deerclops attack on the same day.


Deerclops lays waste to most of our base. Me and a few other wigfrids manage to fend him off, leading Deerclops away and taking care of the hounds with the help of our spiders.


Shortly after the incident we quickly get started making hearts for the 4-5 people that are dead, but we end up going so insane that shadows quickly attack us and we have no time to heal and make more hearts. After a long, stressful struggle, we all pass away. 


But what's that? Even though we're all dead, the server isn't resetting. We take one look at the player menu, and we finally notice her. Wendy. Day 30.


The first thing we do is ask for help. After a day or so of her not responding, the group of ghosts split up to look for her. A few ghosts start talking among themselves and planning evil stuff. They say "When we find her, we'll burn down her base, so the world can finally reset." and "She's selfish for not helping us." and stuff like that. A few ghosts got extremely critical of her, saying "Don't play Don't Starve Together if you're just going to go solo." I tried arguing with them that she can do whatever she wants, but as most of them shot me down, I kept my mouth shut.


What shocked me most is that with 8 other dead players, this Wendy was obviously in a good spot sanity-wise. Still, she never spoke, not once did she respond to us. After days on end of looking for her, we finally found a lead. Her old base. It was much, much larger than ours was. Rows upon rows of twigs and berry bushes lined the top. It was surrounded by pig houses, some of which were burned down. Tents and lean-tos lined the sides, and when we finally managed to break open the ice box, we found piles of rot inside of it. 


This is when Wendy The Hermit decided to make contact.


She chose a specific player to contact, whispering to him. He told us that she knew what we were saying, but simply was ignoring us, because she didn't care. This made most of us angry, as we were all dead, and it would be beneficial to her to revive us.


Winter quickly passed. Then spring. Summer was almost here. We couldn't believe how long Wendy survived, surrounded by dead players. All these days of looking for her, and never once did we find her.



Finally, at the end of spring, as the rain soaked us, and most of the dead players had left, which left me, Wendy The Hermit, Webber 2.0, and Wilson alone in the server, she spoke to us.


This was all she said:


"Apparently none of you know how to make garlands."


Then she left, and the countdown began.

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