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Joining clients hate the talker component

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Hello, everyone!

I have a few problems with the Markiplier mod ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=489482977&tscn=1438452705 ) and they all only happen for joining clients and have to do with the talker component!


1: Markiplier's talker will just stop showing up after sometime for no reason at all it's rather weird


2: TinyBoxTim's talker never shows up at all


3: Mark's talker color is supposed to change based on Markiplier's state but only does for the server for some reason


If anyone can help me it'd be great!

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I never ran out of lines with Markiplier, maybe tell me what you did until that happened?



I looked at this.

Pigmen quotes also never appear as client of a dedicated server.

TheNet:Talker("Hello", ThePlayer.entity) does nothing apparent?


@PeterA, what's up with this:

        -- V2C: also TODO implement talker properly after PAX        inst:AddComponent("talker")

Are you guys working on this or the pig prefab should have the talker component client side, also?

I'm going to report this.


Players do though, since both server and client have the talker component.

So, in order to fix this and make client strings appear, you have to make it like this:

	inst.form = 1	inst.form_net = net_byte(inst.GUID, "form", "form_dirty")	inst:AddComponent("talker")	inst.components.talker.colour = Vector3(150/255,100/255,50/255)    inst.components.talker.font = TALKINGFONT    inst.components.talker.fontsize = 28	inst.components.talker.offset = Vector3(0,-500,0)	inst.entity:SetPristine()	if not TheWorld.ismastersim then		inst:ListenForEvent("form_dirty", OnChangeForm)		return inst	end

in the little box prefab.



The only thing that travels through the net is the string message.

So if you change the color, the client has no way to know what color beyond the one specified when adding the talker component.


So you will have to use a netvar, like net_byte, and map a number to a string color.

That way, when the server changes the color, it sets a new value on the netvar and that makes the client set up the new color.

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