Advice for making this game better.

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Id like to see everyones ideas. I have been playing this nonstop for the past 3 days but now Im seeing some problems.

my advice-

make the game get constantly harder, perhaps even enable an in-game leveling system to make your character stronger like an rpg. More like how the binding of isaac does it by floors. allowing for an eventual completion of the game, or if not completion, a minecraft type homebase thing. otherwise the game just gets boring, too easy, and repetitive past day 50.

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Welcome to the forums firstly OP, there is infact a suggestions forum where this post would perhaps be better suited?

However, I would like to point some things out which seemed contradictory imo...

You want the game to get constantly harder, presumably as you play? Yet you then suggest a leveling system to make characters stronger... seems a little peculiar no?

As stated above, this game is indeed in beta and there are many plans for things such as an 'ending' or a game mode with an 'ending' at least :), as well as some kind of fence/wall allowing for more permanent bases.

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yah i was looking for a suggestions forum, thats my goof i suppose. I know its in beta but couldnt find the forum to offer the suggestions. I have never used a forum before, but i love this game so much. and yah it is a bit contradictory what i said, but as of right now i got a farm and theres no effort, a problem i am sure they will fix but hope they know for sure.

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