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configuration options for modoverrides.lua

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How exactly do you pass configuration option data using modoverrides.lua?  As an example, I'm using workshop mod "DST Path Lights".  I'm simply trying to change the recipe's ingredients, and the color of the light.


I see the server loading the configuration changes I've input in modoverrides.lua, but when connecting as a client, all configurations for mods are defaulted.  Not sure what I'm doing wrong...

return {["workshop-385006082"] = {enabled = true,configuration_options = {path_lightrecipe = hard,light_color = color4,}},}
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@Winsyrstrife, I haven't looked at the mod's config, but my guess is that you need those options to be in quotes:

return {["workshop-385006082"] = {enabled = true,configuration_options = {path_lightrecipe = "hard",light_color = "color4",}},}

Unless you're declaring hard and color4 somewhere else, your current code is just setting path_lightrecipe = nil and light_color = nil.

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Thanks.  I set the parameters in quotes.  I see the server receive my configuration:

[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-385006082's option light_color with value color4	[00:00:06]: Overriding mod workshop-385006082's option path_lightrecipe with value hard	

I connect as a client, but the recipe is default (easy) and the color is default (color1).



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used settings in modoverrides.lua doesn't work. tried to set up the settings in client and then copy mod_config_data from clien to dedicated server and didn't work. tried having all the mods enabled on the server installed and enabled on client with same setting which didn't work. Tried using mods with numbers for setting and didn't work.

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