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Gold in DST

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Just a quick question to make sure I'm not missing something obvious: meteor showers don't seem to bring in gold rocks, does that mean that the only renewable source of gold is the pig king? Meaning that unless you have a pig king in the world, you only have so much gold before you completely run out?

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Meteor Showers do not bring in Gold Rocks.
 Fixed. See prefabs/shadowmeteor.lua (rock2 is the gold rock):
    if sz == "small" then        -- No loot    elseif sz == "medium" then        table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab='rocks', chance=TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_INVITEM_OFTEN*mod})        table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab='rocks', chance=TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_INVITEM_RARE*mod})        table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab='flint', chance=TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_INVITEM_ALWAYS*mod})        table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab='flint', chance=TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_INVITEM_VERYRARE*mod})        table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab='moonrocknugget', chance=TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_INVITEM_SUPERRARE*mod})    elseif sz == "large" then        local picked_boulder = false        if rand <= TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_BOULDERMOON*mod then            table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab="rock_moon", chance=1})            picked_boulder = true        end        if not picked_boulder and rand <= TUNING.METEOR_CHANCE_BOULDERFLINTLESS*mod then            local r = math.random()            if r <= .33 then -- Randomize which flintless rock we use                table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab="rock_flintless", chance=1})            elseif r <= .67 then                table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab="rock_flintless_med", chance=1})            else                table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab="rock_flintless_low", chance=1})            end            picked_boulder = true        end        if not picked_boulder then -- Don't check for chance or mod this one: we need to pick a boulder            table.insert(inst.loot, {prefab="rock1", chance=1})        end    end


the only renewable source of gold is the pig king? Meaning that unless you have a pig king in the world, you only have so much gold before you completely run out
This is correct. 
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Pig Kings spawn in every world now IIRC.



@Blazingice26, I think he was always supposed to spawn in every world, but sometimes the world couldn't make enough room to place him. It seems with the default world size of Large now, though, that the chances of having space for him are better, but it's still possible to not have him.



Looks like we were one of the unlucky few, I'm considering spawning him in if I can figure out how to spawn the set piece.

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Unless something is different in DST, the command for that would be c_spawn("pig_king",1)


I like the obelisks, so I was going to try to figure out how to either A) spawn those in evenly around him, or B) try to spawn in the setpiece wholesale. Not quite sure how to do either, yet.

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