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Suggestion: AFK Kick Timer

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I'd like a timer to kick AFK or disconnected (but somehow not removed from the server) people, at least on public dedicated servers. Every moment is precious, so someone who walks off to make dinner IRL for half an hour is... bad. Maybe make it a server option to have the timer on or off (or even set a time - 5min, 10min, etc), and it shouldn't affect the host.


This might not be necessary with a votekick system, but that still requires us to keep track of everyone. We won't know someone's AFK until they die to starvation/darkness/cold/something and they won't respond to us yelling to revive.

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they'll starve and die anyway. If they are playing with other people, they should be prepared to deal with the consequences of having someone irresponsible like that on their pack.

That, or they'll be killed by Charlie.

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As for the above posts, the main issue here is the Sanity drop. Sure they will definitely die and good riddens... But they remain in the server as a ghost. Constantly dropping the alive players sanity. (Someone did this in a server for literally hours. Almost half the actual day. It got annoying. I think they forgot they left their game on honestly.)
What I think:
Even with the votekick system that is coming, I think this (time out function) still could still be useful: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/45269-survival-need-vote-kickban-asap/?p=578239
I think having a time out function would still be nice, because how will you know they are afk? Or being non--responsive and not everyone wants to vote kick if they don't know what is going on. etc. This would be a nice way for people who go afk to simply disconnect so that when they die they don't drain everyones sanity repeatedly for HOURS... (which happened to me). And so they don't feel unwelcome because they got kicked/voted off. (I'd feel bad if that happened to me and I was a new player...if I knew what was going on that is lol)
Because honestly. What people do is when a majority dies, and they feel like they can't get revived they turn into griefer's yelling at the people alive to die, and start destroying the camps etc. (It's kinda rude and like... why don't you help the living people, help you??) For people who know how to get health easily, this probably won't be a challenge for experienced players, but people don't even seem to care, they want a restart and that's that. They made it so that ghosts can haunt spiders into dropping glands, but people don't seem to want to bother to do that, they just linger around spawn or base and destroy/complain. They just want everyone to die and the world to reset. I don't know. To me that seems a shame, like if someone is living, I don't see the point of complaining about it, really. With the huge sanity drop that would already take effect on them, what is the point? *shrug*


Also, A troublesome thought is when the !vote kick is established. And the majority are ghosts, they would probably just kick the living players and force reset the world... instead of just waiting for them to leave or die on their own if they can't handle it.
And the pause feature: http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/43617-global-pause/?p=564690
You could argue with this the afk/time out system won't be necessary, but what if someone doesn't even bother to hit esc/pause the game... lol (Seems silly, but I imagine people will do that, new players and even griefers). But again you don't know what they are doing. I don't generally talk, I'm busy exploring and trying not to die when I first get into a game. I'd hate to be kicked cause I don't chat as much as others. - Which if I could chat while auto-running, or doing an action. I would most definitely chat more.
Now I am actually all for the sanity drop, I don't know if it could be toned down, but I understand it. Before this happened no one cared to revive ghosts. They got "weeded" out and that was that. "GG" (Having a mod to shut it off for some servers would be nice to have <- Which this would make me want to have a list of what mods are actually running on a server, like a list in the selection screen. But that's something else.). But I think this would be nice to stop griefers from afking and killing themselves with starvation or plan old new people who don't know any better and walk off and maybe even forget their game is on... for hours... and hours... *cringe*
It's funny because I was going to make a topic today with this same thing. :)
In short, I would never vote anyone out if no one explained what they have done, and if they argue its not true and I didn't see it. How am I to really know? If they are completely non-responsive, kept dying of starvation, did not move. Sure. But I'd have to witness it to feel comfortable kicking anyone. With the pause feature, I still think people could "forget" to disconnect and it'd be back to having to witness them afk. (For me). I think a time out for a a period of time (a day or so) then disconnect them, should be no problem. Because if you do go afk for awhile and there's a pause option. Why not just pause it then?
Most definitely the pause and votekick will help for these instances though, I'm not saying they wouldn't. Can't wait for them really :) But sometimes I don't want to have to babysit people :x I'm definitely for working together though :)!
That's of course if it is even possible :)
My 2 cents.

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Also, A troublesome thought is when the !vote kick is established. And the majority are ghosts, they would probably just kick the living players and force reset the world... instead of just waiting for them to leave or die on their own if they can't handle it.
 Maybe have a vote to restart, too? Although it doesn't help the general problem of majority ghosts wanting to start over rather than be revived, it does mean that the living players don't get kicked...


Which this would make me want to have a list of what mods are actually running on a server, like a list in the selection screen. But that's something else.
This exists. There's a "view mods" button on the server details panel that brings up a list of mods active. 
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Maybe have a vote to restart, too? Although it doesn't help the general problem of majority ghosts wanting to start over rather than be revived, it does mean that the living players don't get kicked...

That would be nice. I think it'd just be silly to kick a person for "living". lol


This exists. There's a "view mods" button on the server details panel that brings up a list of mods active.

Oh! That is wonderful! Thank you so much for pointing that out, I totally missed it! :)

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