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Good Connection, But A Lot Of Lag?

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I got my beta-keys a couple of days ago, (Hence the creation of this account.) and I gave one to my friend, who was as excited for the game as I was. He made the server, and I joined. At first, everything was going along quite well. No bugs, nothing seemed broken, all was as good as it could get being stranded on an island with your friend.


That's when the lag hit. My ping was good throughout it all, maintaining a mid forties-ish connection the entire time, but for whatever reason I was lagging terribly. There were times that I couldn't move, let alone pick up items. I died a few times on top of that because of enemies hitting me from over a screen away that I started to run away from. I know next to nothing when it comes to the technicalities of such things, but a shot in the dark tells me that something was perhaps wrong with the server, or maybe my friends computer (Which is very powerful.) just wasn't meant for doing such things? Any sort of feedback would be highly appreciated, thank you.

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@mrlordowaffles, Hmm, well, in my experience the most significant component of lag is the server not being able to run it well, but you say your friend's computer is very powerful, so that's strange. If the lag was very sudden, then perhaps something else started running on his computer and hogging resources?

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