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[HELP] I can't alter/change any of my user settings


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Hi there,


For some reason I cannot alter and/or change ANY of my user settings or preferences such as changing my profile picture or even change my settings themselves. When I try to do such, this error pops up: post-433868-0-36096700-1406474067_thumb.


And when attempting to change my profile picture, I get an error message saying (and I quote): 



So, what gives? I mean, I've activated the account through my email so I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Are there any additional steps I must go through in order to alleviate this problem?






P.S. If this has already been answered, I do apologize for re-posting an old query, but hey, you know what noobs are like, right?

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You need atleast 5 posts to edit your settings (off-topic ones don't count)

I'm sure someone else will tell you in more detail though, as i'm not 100% sure how it works (besides the 5 posts).

Right... thanks for the help! I appreciate it.

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Please put up some kind of notification/post in the settings for new members. I'm starting to see these every week, and it's getting kind of ridiculous.



Don't be silly, it's every other week :) 


But seriously, we do get this a lot from very very very many new users. 


Okay, not so seriously, here's what was going through my head when I was typing very very very :)

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