A different take on 'balanced diet'!

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There's a Balanced Diet Thread (probably others):



I've responded to that above thread with something I think is a good idea for handling the 'balanced diet' idea, without changing the fundamental charm of the three hit-point system.


However, I have another idea that I think people may like for encouraging a 'balanced diet' without ruining the 'charm' that Don't Starve has in its simplicity:




What if more foods gave more benefits!?


For example, what if fruits gave the character a slight and temporary speed boost.  Heck, even slow the character's 'normal speed' down while they're lacking in this speed boost.  Make the speed boost last for as long as 1/3rd of the average character's hunger (so however long it takes for most characters to lose 50 hunger, that's how long this 'speed boost' works from eating a meal with fruit in it... I'd say whether that meal came from the crock-pot, the camp fire, or raw).


Then players would want to eat fruits to keep their character's speed up to the boosted level.


Then, what if veggies allowed the character to see slightly better at night.  Remember the old "Carrots help your eye sight" idea?  Veggies could help a character's night vision.  Not a whole lot as to add in an unbalanced feature, like mole-eyes.  Just a slightly, barely noticeable, but yet useful difference.


Meat is plentiful and already helps quite a bit with health and hunger, and I can't think of any additional benefit that meat should have.  However, its entirely possible that someone can come up with a cost/benefit for meat in the game that would make player/characters want to add it to their diet.  Personally, as I just said, I think the fact that its the easiest to get means it doesn't really need any additional benefit... but, as the one with this suggestion I'm open to suggestions.


EDIT: ADD: Maybe meat can allow the character to hit a little harder... I'd say lower the 'strength' of the characters, then give them a 'boost' back up to the current levels when they have meat every 1/3rd average hunger level time.

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