It's Dreadful, Yet It's Home((CLOSED))


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"Oh, she's not THAT broken. She lost her only love. So the only thing about her that's broken is her heart. I meet a lot of those. Lost souls with a broken heart."

((Oh gee ya think -_- good lord it's a ******* yes you don't need a second opinion people))

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(I lunge at you with a new character.

Name: Kronak - I used a random name generator, i have no shame.

Species: ?

Personality: Childish at times, polite but likes being alone. Has no problem with lying.

Age: 20

Backstory: Well, I can tell you he has always been in the Don't Starve world but i haven't come up with anything else, and i only have 8 minutes before i get off as i am typing this.

Appearance: I made a creature of him in a game called Spore. See his appearance here; Ignore the sims and origin stuff on the side, i made a mistake. I dont even play Sims anymore.



Poisons: Can either shoot a bolt of poison from his mouth or by stabbing something with his spikes on his tail. Three different poison types. Each also are weaker when shot from the mouth or at shadow creatures. (All of them only work on shadow creatures if shot from the mouth too.) Types of poisons: Tracking Poison, Harmful Poison, Glowing Poison. the color of his "feathers" (See the picture of his appearance) on his tail that are shaped like a flower change color based on what Poison is active. Can swap poisons at any time.


Tracking Poison: Takes a long time to "kick in." and makes the victim smelly. When it has become active it will allow Kronak to track their current location whenever he wants. It's not harmful at all though and this is all it does. Wears off after half a day. Can be removed early by using a Healing Salve or Spider Gland. Honey poultice does not affect it. If shot from the mouth, wears off after 30 minutes. The time it takes for it to become active depends on which part of a body it hits. (For example, if it hit somethings mouth, it would become active in about 30 seconds.) Makes the "Flower" turn red.


Harmful Poison: Should explain itself, it hurts things by well... poisoning them. Obviously. It requires 20 minutes to become active and gets worse over time. Wears off after an hour when it becomes active. Can be removed early by either Healing Salve or Spider Gland. If used on Shadow Creatures, makes them glow a faint purple and is 45% less harmful. Makes the "Flower" turn yellow.


Glowing Poison: It makes whatever it hits glow green for a whole day and becomes active in only 5 seconds. Cannot be shot from the mouth. (Because of this, it cannot be used on Shadow Creatures) It does literally nothing else. Makes the "Flower" turn green.


Lesser Flight: Has a very limited ability to fly. Uses up large chunks of energy constantly while in flight and cannot fly fast or high.


Lots of teeth: Do i really need to explain this?


Nature Bolt: A magical bolt made of pure nature that is as small as a kittens paw and very weak. Not nearly as strong as a light bolt. If used at the same time as The power of Pure Light, will make Kronak become knocked out as it takes about 5% of his life force each time it is used. (If you used the power of Pure Light then this, you could only use this one twice after without Kronak dying. Additionally, the Nature Bolt can only be used 3 times per day anyway.)


The power of Pure Light: Can shoot a MASSIVE rainbow made of pure light at the cost of 85% of Kronak's life force which makes him very very weak afterwards. Takes a whole 2 days and a half (I don't mind changing it to 3 days if you want me to) to regenerate all the lost life force. If used before all of the life force is regenerated, Ronak will die. Permanently. His body will literally explode with pure light and nothing will remain except ashes.


Night vision: Can see in the night.




Weakness to frost and fire: Fire burns faster and is deadlier while Frost and ice will freeze Ronak solid with 3 hits. He will thaw out a bit faster though.


Insanity: His sanity is rather low at almost all times. Makes nearby Shadow Creatures very slightly stronger. This affects his personality a bit too.


Insomniac: Has a large amount of trouble falling asleep which can make him slower. It's not impossible for him to fall asleep though.


Weather is Unfair: Changes based on the current weather.

Rain: Personality wildly differs. One minute he might be talking nonsense, the next he could be very greedy, and the minute after that he might be one of the kindest "people" you will ever meet.

Snow; Is extra paranoid and gets cold easily.

Sunny: No changes.

Cloudy: Will be more depressed than usual.

Thunderstorm (Can be combined with the rain effect): Weaker, and is depressed.


Tell me if i need to add another weakness or two and/or tone something down.)



Edited by Strangerdanger101
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"I never got that chance...and you just might have yours again...just give him to me when you're done. I want to feel his blood on my hands!"

((Girl gon get bloodthirsty when Wendy's done with Maxwell))

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