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Little Woodie change?

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Since you can see at night during full moon and there is this new awesome item called Moggles, Woodie's beaver night vision isn't really that awesome anymore, but that is fine in my opinion. 
The real downside now is that you cant make Old Bell which is very... maybe too good item against giants.
You can't even have cute Glommer following you and boosting your sanity. 
I think Woodie needs a little more controll of his curse, maybe Eyebrella would block moon light but he still would have massive sanity drain at full moons to balance it?
at least being in cave should block his curse in my opinion.
And if you think Woodie is already too good, well his power is getting wood really fast and beaver mode in combat is just logsuit + tentacle spike with less heath, of course you can heal easily with wood but you can have much stronger combat setup without beaver mode.
And don't forget how low your stats are after beaver mode!
So the beaver mode is good but still balanced in my opinion.
My english may not be perfect but I hope you can forgive that, Thanks :)
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The one thing i've always wanted for Woodie was an item to prevent were-beaverness, its quite annoying that during fullmoon i can't do noting else than wait for him to go were-beaver, and that is the main reason why Woodie isn't that good for a survival world.

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You know Blow Darts are the easiest way to kill a giant.

Here's math to help you know why:

Giant's health=2,000

Blow Darts (use the regular ones, the sleep darts are ineffective and the fire darts are even less efficient)

Blow Dart damage=100 per. dart

100x20=2,000=Killed giant.

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You know Blow Darts are the easiest way to kill a giant.

Here's math to help you know why:

Giant's health=2,000

Blow Darts (use the regular ones, the sleep darts are ineffective and the fire darts are even less efficient)

Blow Dart damage=100 per. dart

100x20=2,000=Killed giant.

You can only gatter the items required to make the needed number of blowdarts during winter(and even then its not sure you'll get /have them), all the items for the bell strategy are easy to get on day 9.

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You know Blow Darts are the easiest way to kill a giant.

Here's math to help you know why:

Giant's health=2,000

Blow Darts (use the regular ones, the sleep darts are ineffective and the fire darts are even less efficient)

Blow Dart damage=100 per. dart

100x20=2,000=Killed giant.


Bearger and MooseGoose has 3000 hp

Dragonfly has 2750 hp


I have been using Blow darts and Dark sword most of the time but Old bell is still much more cheaper and easier to make. 

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