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There are flowers... EVERYWHERE...


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It looks to me like you have a heavily modded game. I have never seen so many flowers in that few of days.


I indeed do, but I don't think I have a mod that causes flower spawning... Anyways, on the wiki it says that flowers do spawn at Spring... But that's just a huge amount.

And what you see there is after picking up like 5 stacks of petals..

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You can remove all flowers around you using the console:

local pos = GetPlayer():GetPosition()local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(pos.x,pos.y,pos.z,30,{'flower'})for k,v in pairs(ents) do v:Remove() end

30 is the range, that should cover what you see.

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i set mine to lots and that didnt happen so its probs a mod glitch or a glitch

'Lots' will do this. The only reason it isn't right now is because the World Generation is bugged and, for one reason or another, occasionally works and occasionally doesn't. In fact, sometimes it spawns too much stuff instead. So, this very well could have happened. 


If you want to modify how much stuff you generate, go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dont_starve\data\DLC0001\scripts\map\forest_map.lua


Make a copy of this file for backup, then go to line 56 and change:

local MULTIPLY = {		["never"] = 0,		["rare"] = 1.3,		["default"] = 1,		["often"] = 1.5,		["mostly"] = 1.5,		["always"] = 1.778,			}

This is how I've changed mine. "Often" doesn't seem to be used right now. Never/Rare/Default/Mostly/Always are options, I think. I've changed mine so that Rare/Mostly/Always are ascending values. I know it looks weird seeing "rare' at 1.3 instead of 0.3 or whatever it is normally, but I really just wanted more options. I've found 1.7 to be a nice number that doesn't oversaturate the map with creatures. 


Just keep in mind: the additional creatures that are spawned won't spawn in their respective Biomes. So, if you have Beefalo on x1.5 spawning, you'll have your standard Beefalo biome herds, but you'll also have the extra Beefalo just randomly spawning around the map without any herds or anything (they form their own herd as time goes on - 1 turns into many eventually - but it's very lore-breaking imo).


Anyway, just thought I'd leave this here since modifying the 'mostly' values really seems to make a difference (it's Default is x1.3). 


Default: errr, seems "mostly" is actually rather high. I have no clue why it doesn't work since it's working for me now that I've modified it.....

local MULTIPLY = {		["never"] = 0,		["rare"] = 0.5,		["default"] = 1,		["often"] = 1.33,		["mostly"] = 1.67,		["always"] = 2,			}
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