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Rest in pieces, base memorial.

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Ladies and scientists,
 we gathered here today to mourn the loss of Basecamp W, as its friends lovingly called it. Sadly, no images ever were taken of it, so I can only describe the glory of it. An array of farms, supported by stones, growing the most exotic and filling of fruit. an empty birdcage, the therein housed crow long escaped by the time disaster struck. Guarded by lightning rods, a gathering of saplings and berry bushes, crumbled by the heat. Three pig houses closeby, which ultimately led to its destruction. In the center of it, a trusty firepit, which lit up 60 long and dark nights, an alchemy engine, which was supposed to povide the knowledge necessary to outlast the summer, yet was the first thing to catch fire. Next to that, an ice flingomatic, which tried its best to contain the raging flames, but alas, it wasn't enough.

Disaster first struck in the late days of spring, when the flame hounds attacked and the pigs, so brave yet so incredibly dumb, tried to take out the wild beasts. The death of the fiery monster caused not only the saplings to go out in a blaze, but also destroyed half a years supply of grass and sticks arranged in a chest nearby. This incident already gave a damper to the Strongman's spirit, but he carried on into the middle of summer. But when the heat struck and the entire supply of firewood, the crockpots, the alchemy engine and the horrific pig houses went up in blazes, Wolfgang could take it no more and gave himself to the spiders, so that his death would free the valkyrie from her experience-forged chains.


What the hell am I doing.

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