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Language Strings.pot


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I've tried to kick off the translation of the DLC, just like I did during the Don't Starve beta, and noticed that the strings.pot file is not updated though. The text seems to be the same from the latest regular build update (btw I did go for the file found in the language folder within the DLC0001 folder) and therefore I cannot start the translation for the expansion.

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Yes there's no news strings.pot you have to do it by yourself.


I'm working on the french language patch and here's some advice :


1. You can find the characters speech (old and new) in this folder :


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dont_starve\data\DLC0001\scripts


2. You have to find the new sentences then integrate in the "french.po" file like this :




ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL_SPRING = "The wet ground won't hold a footprint."




msgid "The wet ground won't hold a footprint."
msgstr "Your translation"



For the new recipes, here's how to do :


1. Open the files "recipes.lua" (dont_starve\data\DLC0001\scripts)


2. Find the new recipes and get the prefab name. Example with the "Old Bell" :


Prefab name = bell


For the description text, go in game.


Here's how to integrate in the french.po :


msgid "Old Bell"
msgstr "Your translation"
msgid "This isn't just any bell. It's an old bell."
msgstr "Your translation"



3. For new objects, flora, creatures, etc. Just find the prefab name (you can use the wiki) and add this string :


Example withe the Hollow Stump :


msgid "Hollow Stump"
msgstr "Your translation"



You can dowload my french patch, there's many new strings from RoG and i'll update it :



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