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Selling fanart?

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Hi I'm new to this forums and have a question about selling fan art?


Does kleientertainment have a set of rules for this?


I don't think my fan art is that popular but it's seems to get used/stolen by a lot people.

Some sites even sell it for t-shirts and coffee mucks. Without my permission off course.

I don't really mind if a user/blogger use it but when review sites with adds running uses it without the slightest referens towards me it annoys me a bit.


Just wondering it would be nice to make some potential pocket money like let's players.


Fanart in question feel free to use it.


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Bad idea. Google Translate is good for short messages, but it's not reliable for longer ones.

They can understand, right?

"The art you make is mine and bad is what you are doing."

And then say that you're using Google Translate so they know why you have terrible grammar.

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Honestly. The first step you need to make is contacting Klei.


They will be able to help you out I'm sure. Just shoot them an email explaining the situation and see if they can help you out at all! ^^; They may not be able to fix the problem, but since their character is involved they may have more authority know-how on how to get it taken down :0


I've definitely seen a lot of people using that vector! It's lovely. I'm so sorry you have to put up with so many people stealing it and using it for their own profit D:

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Use google translate.

In this response 23rd translates a block of text into Polish, then back into English using Google translate. Let's watch!


Zadzwoń do mnie Izmael . Kilka lat temu , nic nie szkodzi , jak długo precyzyjnie mające niewielkie lub żadne pieniądze w torebce , i nic szczególności interesuje mnie na brzegu, myślałem, że omały żagiel i zobaczyć wodnistą część świata . Jest to sposób mam z ruszeniem śledzionę i regulacji obiegu . Zawsze, gdy znalazłem się coraz ponure o ustach , gdy jestwilgotno , drizzly listopada w mojej duszy, gdy znalazłem się mimowolnie zatrzymując się przed magazynami trumiennych i zamykał pochód każdego pogrzebu spotykam , a zwłaszcza , kiedy moje Hipoglikemia uzyskać takie górna ręka mnie , że to wymaga silnej zasady moralne nie pozwalają mi celowo wchodząc do ulicy , i metodycznie pukanie kapelusze ludzi poza to , że konto to najwyższy czas, aby dostać się do morza , jak tylko mogę. To jest mój substytut pistoletu i kulki. Z filozoficznym gestem Cato rzuca się na swój miecz , a ja spokojnie wziąć się do statku . Nie ma w tym nic dziwnego . Gdyby jednak wiedział , prawie wszyscy ludzie w ich stopnia , jakiś czas lub inne , pielęgnować niemal te same uczucia wobec oceanu ze mną .


Well I don't know what the hell any of that was. Something about a guy named Izmael, and a whole lot of Zs. Maybe it will make sense when he translates it back! Oop, oop, he's getting ready! Settle in, people, settle in.


Call me Ishmael . A few years ago , never mind how long precisely having little or no money in my purse , and nothing particular interest me on shore , I thought omały sail and see the watery part of the world . This is the way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation . Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth, when jestwilgotno , drizzly November in my soul , when I found myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses , and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet , especially when my Hypoglycemia get the upper hand of me , that it requires strong moral principles do not allow me deliberately going into the street , and methodically knocking people off hats that account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can . This is my substitute for pistol and ball. From a philosophical gesture Cato throws himself upon his sword , and I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this . But if he knew , almost all men in their degree , some time or other , cherish nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.


Well you know what they say about those Jestwilgotnos. Those things are doozies! Watch those hypoglycemias kids, don't want to go knocking off peoples hats because of the sea or anything.




"But 23rd, all I said they would have to translate is this one line of text. Not a huge block." Well, you are a delicious meat product, so for the sake of my own appetite I'll indulge this inevitable response. Kyuari posts that simple phrase in Polish and gets the response "Daj nam lepszy powód, aby zatrzymać."


Well, crap, now what? I'll tell you what, he/she/xe needs a solid reason and well thought out argument to make any headway with these people! That requires a lot of talking, and they'll need someone who speaks fluent Polish and knows a great deal about Polish copyright laws to help them. Translators don't cut it.


Good luck making the dosh @kyuari, really love that vector.

Edited by 23rd
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