The Revolution (Credit to Ferris)


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"Barry could figure it out, given enough time."

(Do you mean the drone, or Wexley? because KidneyBeanBoy stated that Wexley had stumbled out of an alleyway near Austin and Little Cakey a while ago. I wouldn't want to change what he posted...)

(the drone looks like wheatley)

Wolf walked around at his home, thinking about the drone (lol it rimed)

<What should i do with it?maybe i should visit some mechanic courses to learn how to repair things.i should go to that forest outside of the city, i need some fresh air.>

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"Give me a good reason why, then I'll agree."

He is interrupted by a loud barking. It is unfamiliar to him, and he whirls to face the dog. He can recognize it's K-9 origin due to the way it's fur is combed, and a collar from it's neck. He swears, and snaps his fingers. In an instant, Alex and Sammie are blocking it's exit.


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(This was a bad time to step in, but

It took a long time to type this and the moment changed from a great to an awkward time to step in while I was typing.)

Wexley woke up in the middle of a small clearing upon a weathered table. He could see a small pair of beady eyes in the distance. Freshly rebooted, he followed product protocol and said to the creature, "Thank you for buying Wexley version four, product number 50-" He was cut off suddenly from a creak sounding from his body. Wexley went limp, and suddenly large nightmare hands burst from his shoulders. A whisper came from the body, saying "DAAangIT. MyYY HOssT HAsss GOOone LImp. DAAarrNED VErssIOn FOuurs." The hands increased in size until they were twice the size of normal ones, and then hoisted up the limp body of the robot, and hand-walked towards the eyes in the distance. The eyes, which turned out to be a pig, stood there, frozen in terror. The hands swatted it aside. "YOOuu'Re LUUucKy YOuuU WIll SsSurVive," The possessed Wexley said, looking at the bruised, barely breathing creature, "THe ResSt WOn't BE As Luucky." He then took off, heading towards the cave exit in the distance. It took several minutes to get there and the hands were barely keeping themselves together once they were there. The possessed Wexley just entered the light of the exit when he let out a yell of pain and the hands collapsed, Wexley's unconscious body falling 4 feet to the ground.A few seconds after, he stood up again, and saw two humans, a small, bright girl and a shady young man, standing, apparently talking to some beast standing a distance aways. "Hello," Wexley said to the people, "Are you in need of assitance?"

Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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(Yaay! I have to be a complete jerk because of something on my character desc! Sorry, blewcheese.)

"I'm sorry, who are you? And why are you commanding me around?" Wexley says, confounded. "Because you should know that I am not built to serve the lower class. I was talking to the girl."

Edited by KidneyBeanBoy
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