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How to check certain values in-game?


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This is my first post here... woo (sorry if posted in wrong forum...)


Anyway, I have little scripting knowledge on LUA (or most other languages for that matter...)  so my scripts are terrible.  I am making a character that has movement speed based around the current health, e.g. if its above 60 then the movement speed is 9 e.t.c


But I'm not too sure if my scripting is correct and I need something to constantly check and display certain variable during the game. (in this case I need to check "runspeed" and "walkspeed")


Does anyone know of a program, script or console command that can do this?

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This is my first post here... woo (sorry if posted in wrong forum...)


Anyway, I have little scripting knowledge on LUA (or most other languages for that matter...)  so my scripts are terrible.  I am making a character that has movement speed based around the current health, e.g. if its above 60 then the movement speed is 9 e.t.c


But I'm not too sure if my scripting is correct and I need something to constantly check and display certain variable during the game. (in this case I need to check "runspeed" and "walkspeed")


Does anyone know of a program, script or console command that can do this?

Could you upload what you have so far so that I can take a look?

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Could you upload what you have so far so that I can take a look?


Ok, but i warn you... this was literally my first scripting attempt so try not to laugh too hard...

local MakePlayerCharacter = require "prefabs/player_common"local assets = {        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_basic.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles_shiver.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_axe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_pickaxe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_shovel.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_blowdart.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_eat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_item.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_uniqueitem.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_bugnet.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_fishing.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_boomerang.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_bush_hat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_attacks.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_rebirth.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_jump.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_amulet_resurrect.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_teleport.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/wilson_fx.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_one_man_band.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/shadow_hands.zip" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/sfx.fsb" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/wilson.fsb" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/beard.zip" ),				Asset( "ANIM", "anim/dane.zip" ),}local prefabs = {}--This part below is what I'm trying to do.local function spd(inst, data)	if inst.health.currenthealth >= 60 then			inst.walkspeed = 9		inst.runspeed = 9		elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth >= 40 and inst.components.health.currenthealth < 60 then			inst.walkspeed = 7		inst.runspeed = 7		elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth < 40 then			inst.walkspeed = 5		inst.runspeed = 5	endend--================================================================local start_inv ={    "hoodie",}local fn = function(inst)		inst.soundname = "wilson"		inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon("wilson.png")		inst.components.health.maxhealth = 80	inst.components.hunger.SetMax = 100	inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = 9	inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = 9		inst.components.health.currenthealth = math.random(40,55)		inst:ListenForEvent(spd)end		STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_NAMES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_DESCRIPTIONS.dane = ""STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.dane = "\"\""STRINGS.CHARACTERS.DANE = require "dane_speech"	return MakePlayerCharacter("dane", prefabs, assets, fn, start_inv)

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local MakePlayerCharacter = require "prefabs/player_common" local assets ={         Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_basic.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles_shiver.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_axe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_pickaxe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_shovel.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_blowdart.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_eat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_item.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_uniqueitem.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_bugnet.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_fishing.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_boomerang.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_bush_hat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_attacks.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_rebirth.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_jump.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_amulet_resurrect.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_teleport.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/wilson_fx.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_one_man_band.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/shadow_hands.zip" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/sfx.fsb" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/wilson.fsb" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/beard.zip" ),                 Asset( "ANIM", "anim/dane.zip" ), } local prefabs = {}  --This part below is what I'm trying to do. local function spd(inst, data)    --This function seems fine to me  ^^    --The current code will call this function whenever the players health changes and set the speed accordingly    if inst.health.currenthealth >= 60 then             inst.walkspeed = 9        inst.runspeed = 9         elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth >= 40 and inst.components.health.currenthealth < 60 then             inst.walkspeed = 7        inst.runspeed = 7         elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth < 40 then             inst.walkspeed = 5        inst.runspeed = 5    endend--================================================================local start_inv ={    "hoodie",}   local fn = function(inst)         inst.soundname = "wilson"         inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon("wilson.png")         inst.components.health.maxhealth = 80    inst.components.hunger:SetMax(100)    --SetMax is a function, to call it you'll need to use the : instead of a . and give it an argument via the (...)    inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = 9    inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = 9         inst.components.health.currenthealth = math.random(40,55)    --Nothing wrong here, just wanted to say that this creates a random integer between 40 and 55.         inst:ListenForEvent("healthdelta" ,spd)    --ListenForEvent listens for an event (as the name suggests) The first argument is said event and the second argument is the function called once the event is "heard"    --note that the function passed in the second argument must have the signature (inst, data)end            STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_NAMES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_DESCRIPTIONS.dane = ""STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.dane = "\"\"" STRINGS.CHARACTERS.DANE = require "dane_speech"   return MakePlayerCharacter("dane", prefabs, assets, fn, start_inv)


I marked the changed parts with comments, denoted by -- at the beginning of a line. Comments will be ignored when compiling scripts so you can write them anywhere.


I hope I didn't make a mistake myself.


Also I'd suggest you use a text editor with code highlighting (or whatever it's called) if you don't already do that. Like NotePad++ or Sublime. It will make coding a lot easier.

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This is my first post here... woo (sorry if posted in wrong forum...)


Anyway, I have little scripting knowledge on LUA (or most other languages for that matter...)  so my scripts are terrible.  I am making a character that has movement speed based around the current health, e.g. if its above 60 then the movement speed is 9 e.t.c


But I'm not too sure if my scripting is correct and I need something to constantly check and display certain variable during the game. (in this case I need to check "runspeed" and "walkspeed")


Does anyone know of a program, script or console command that can do this?

Yes my mod http://forums.kleientertainment.com/index.php?/files/file/362-n-tools/ will allow you to through the "dig" tool though it helps if you know where you should be looking in the case of things about your character you need to look in the character tables and go from there.

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local MakePlayerCharacter = require "prefabs/player_common" local assets ={         Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_basic.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles_shiver.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_axe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_pickaxe.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_shovel.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_blowdart.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_eat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_item.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_uniqueitem.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_bugnet.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_fishing.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_actions_boomerang.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_bush_hat.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_attacks.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_idles.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_rebirth.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_jump.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_amulet_resurrect.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_teleport.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/wilson_fx.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/player_one_man_band.zip" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/shadow_hands.zip" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/sfx.fsb" ),        Asset( "SOUND", "sound/wilson.fsb" ),        Asset( "ANIM", "anim/beard.zip" ),                 Asset( "ANIM", "anim/dane.zip" ), } local prefabs = {}  --This part below is what I'm trying to do. local function spd(inst, data)    --This function seems fine to me  ^^    --The current code will call this function whenever the players health changes and set the speed accordingly    if inst.health.currenthealth >= 60 then             inst.walkspeed = 9        inst.runspeed = 9         elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth >= 40 and inst.components.health.currenthealth < 60 then             inst.walkspeed = 7        inst.runspeed = 7         elseif inst.components.health.currenthealth < 40 then             inst.walkspeed = 5        inst.runspeed = 5    endend--================================================================local start_inv ={    "hoodie",}   local fn = function(inst)         inst.soundname = "wilson"         inst.MiniMapEntity:SetIcon("wilson.png")         inst.components.health.maxhealth = 80    inst.components.hunger:SetMax(100)    --SetMax is a function, to call it you'll need to use the : instead of a . and give it an argument via the (...)    inst.components.locomotor.walkspeed = 9    inst.components.locomotor.runspeed = 9         inst.components.health.currenthealth = math.random(40,55)    --Nothing wrong here, just wanted to say that this creates a random integer between 40 and 55.         inst:ListenForEvent("healthdelta" ,spd)    --ListenForEvent listens for an event (as the name suggests) The first argument is said event and the second argument is the function called once the event is "heard"    --note that the function passed in the second argument must have the signature (inst, data)end            STRINGS.CHARACTER_TITLES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_NAMES.dane = "Dane"STRINGS.CHARACTER_DESCRIPTIONS.dane = ""STRINGS.CHARACTER_QUOTES.dane = "\"\"" STRINGS.CHARACTERS.DANE = require "dane_speech"   return MakePlayerCharacter("dane", prefabs, assets, fn, start_inv)

I marked the changed parts with comments, denoted by -- at the beginning of a line. Comments will be ignored when compiling scripts so you can write them anywhere.


I hope I didn't make a mistake myself.


Also I'd suggest you use a text editor with code highlighting (or whatever it's called) if you don't already do that. Like NotePad++ or Sublime. It will make coding a lot easier.



Thanks for the help, but after I fixed up my script I got an error on line 45 which was:

if inst.health.currenthealth >= 60 then



It stopped giving an error when I commented out:

inst:ListenForEvent("healthdelta" ,spd)


 *If there is an error log in the game folder... Then I can find it, so im typing it all out.*



...s/Dane - Playable Character/scripts/prefabs/dane.lua:45: attempt to index field 'health'(a nil value)

LUA ERROR stac traceback:

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/../mods/Dane - Playable Character/prefabs/dane.lua(45,1) in funtion 'fn'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/entryscript.lua(634,1) in funtion 'PushEvent'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/components/health.lua(264,1)in function 'DoDelta'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/components/health.lua(46,1)in function 'RecalculatePenalty'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/gamelogic.lua(770,1)in function 'DoInitGame'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scriptsgamelogic.lua(914,1)in function 'cb'

C:/Program File (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dont_starve/data/scripts/svaeindex.lua(549,1)

=[C] in funtion 'SetPersistentString'


Also I do use notepad++ as I have had I little bit of experience scripting, so I can wrap my head around the basic logic and order.  Its just learning a new scripting language... But still, thanks for all the little pointers you gave within the script and such. :grin:


Yes my mod http://forums.kleientertainment.com/index.php?/files/file/362-n-tools/ will allow you to through the "dig" tool though it helps if you know where you should be looking in the case of things about your character you need to look in the character tables and go from there.

Ha ha, I once downloaded your mod a while ago but had no Idea what it was for!

But now of course I do, but I'm having quite a hard time trying to find what I'm looking for... (runspeed & walkspeed)

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Right, well in that case I have no idea what i'm doing. Where can I find this log?

Not necessary, I simply dumbed out... it should be


components was the thing missing inbetween.

Don't forget to fix the other places where that occcured.


And you can find the log in your documents folder Klei/DoNotStarve/log.txt


Also, how did you break the formating on your post up there that bad  o.0

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how did you break the formating on your post up there that bad  o.0


Bad things happen when I'm tired... 





Everything now works perfectly thanks!

Only thing im trying to do is just find the variables in Nycidian's mod and that's that.



Thanks for all your help!

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Bad things happen when I'm tired... 





Everything now works perfectly thanks!

Only thing im trying to do is just find the variables in Nycidian's mod and that's that.



Thanks for all your help!

The mod is really only helpful if you are unsure what your looking for or if you want to see how the variables are changing in the game without writing in a lot of print() statements in your code.


as for finding what your looking for, in...




...the inst is a variable which in this case stands for your character so with my mod you want to start at "character" (not GLOBAL or World) and choose table variables click "components" then "health" then switch to number variables and look at "healthcurrent."

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The mod is really only helpful if you are unsure what your looking for or if you want to see how the variables are changing in the game without writing in a lot of print() statements in your code.


as for finding what your looking for, in...




...the inst is a variable which in this case stands for your character so with my mod you want to start at "character" (not GLOBAL or World) and choose table variables click "components" then "health" then switch to number variables and look at "healthcurrent."



AH! Thanks, i've found what i'm looking for. And by the way your mod is great!

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