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Ruins Character Mod Idea!


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I've been thinking for a while that there needs to be a mod for a Ruins Guy like this:


Character name:make one up!HAS TO START WITH A W!

Motto: "Get that black blob of death away from me!!!"

Title: The Survivor

Pros: Can craft an ancient altar,starts with 5 thulecite and 1 of every gem, can eat gems to give him powers, eats nightmare fuel to improve his performance, but with a cost...  strength changes with the nightmare cycle, affinity with cave creatures, more health, better night vision.

KHANS!!!: carrying nightmare fuel and mining statues makes his sanity decrease at a steady rate, very slightly reduced walking speed, hallucinations deal more damage, chess mobs immediately aggro him with a taste of vengeance, can't summon friendly broken clockworks, makes more threat overall.


Please give me your thoughts, and maybe make a mod like this(I don't know how to mod)! Also, keep in mind everything is subject to change. Also, to unlock him you need to defeat the Ancient Guardian! 


Names so far:


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Please don't do this. If people like the idea they will reply. Posts like this just make you look like you're desperate for attention :/

I know, I just want feedback so I can stop going crazy over whether this is a good idea or not. This thread has over 110 views, yet no replies(except for these three). I won't do this anymore, but this is also my first thread AND I've only been on the forums for something like 3 weeks.


I are big n00b.


That post was also 1 of my many futile attempts at being funny. If I were a serious person, I would've said "Why has no one replied to this thread which has over 100 views?"

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Well, I just had this idea on my mind for a REALLY long time and wanted to put it up and see what people thought about it. Plus it's always nice to have new characters. 


But this probably will never happen, because it's not easy to get a group of people to do a bunch of writing and coding and art because a n00b had an idea. Just wanted to get this off my chest and see if a month or two of thinking was worth it.

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I thought your attempt at being funny wasnt futile. It made me laugh a little. But Teo is right. It isn't necessarily a bad idea but essential what the character is is just Wilson with an upstairs pseudo science station and slight sanity checks. What make the characters of dont starve unique is the different play styles that they (can but dont necessarily do) come with. Like Wolfgang and his mightyness or wicker bottom and her books. I mean imagine if wickerbottom just got a science crafting boost and an inability to sleep.

All that being said I appreciate your thread, and your livelihood on the forums. I appreciate you HoneyHam! Hopefully your hopes aren't fully shattered :)

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I thought your attempt at being funny wasnt futile. It made me laugh a little. But Teo is right. It isn't necessarily a bad idea but essential what the character is is just Wilson with an upstairs pseudo science station and slight sanity checks. What make the characters of dont starve unique is the different play styles that they (can but dont necessarily do) come with. Like Wolfgang and his mightyness or wicker bottom and her books. I mean imagine if wickerbottom just got a science crafting boost and an inability to sleep.

All that being said I appreciate your thread, and your livelihood on the forums. I appreciate you HoneyHam! Hopefully your hopes aren't fully shattered :-)

Thank you for your thoughts and honesty!


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You're welcome! I realized I wasn't constructive enough with my feedback though. Basically being able to make an above ground pseudo science station doesn't benefit you if all the materials you need are still down stairs right? That's why it doesn't work out (in my mind anyways) but if he could make the necessary components for the ancient tab gear than it would facilitate a completely different gameplay style. Then you could even manage to make ancient gear in AM. The problem that arises then though is how do you balance this ability with the cost of the items? Either way if you can figure that out I think you would have a mod character worth trying at least.

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