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[Help]Would this be possible?


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So, basically what i'd like to know if you can make multiple forms for a character, similar to the werebeaver, like if you eat a certain food, then you would transform into a form with a added meter along with all your others telling you how long this form would last, would you also be able to make multiple forms triggered by different items, and each one would have some sort of cooldown? 

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  • Developer

Switching what your character or creature looks like is pretty easy code wise.  This snippet will switch between the different main players every second.


characters = { 'wes', 'wickerbottom', 'willow', 'wilson', 'wolfgang', 'woodie', 'wx78' }Assets = {} for i, c in ipairs( characters ) do    Assets[i] = Asset("ANIM", "anim/"..c..".zip")end  local character_index = 0local function SwitchCharacter()    local player = GLOBAL.GetPlayer()    if player then        character_index = character_index + 1        player.AnimState:SetBuild( characters[character_index] )        character_index = character_index % #characters    endend AddGamePostInit( function()    GLOBAL.scheduler:ExecutePeriodic( 1, SwitchCharacter ) end)

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