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[HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE] (Mod Collab) Waverly, the bewitched

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@Malacath, looks good! Btw, I have the quotes done, enjoy. (Btw, when's the atlas going to be done? The challenge ends tomorrow)





AWAKEBEEFALO = "I could just kill him instead.",

GENERIC = "Kiddo, I can't shave that!",

NOBITS = "There ain't any bits.",




GENERIC = "It's full.",

NOTALLOWED = "That can't go in there.",



ACTIONFAIL_GENERIC = "That can only be done with extreme magic.",

ANNOUNCE_ADVENTUREFAIL = "I'll have to try harder to catch that hooligan.",

ANNOUNCE_BEES = "Owch, stingers hurt!",

ANNOUNCE_BOOMERANG = "Ow! That's gonna leave a concussion.",

ANNOUNCE_CHARLIE = "That must be that Charlie girl.",

ANNOUNCE_CHARLIE_ATTACK = "Oof! Charlie didn't seem like that much of a biter.",

ANNOUNCE_COLD = "Kiddo, get me some warmth!",

ANNOUNCE_CRAFTING_FAIL = "I don't have the things to make the other thing.",

ANNOUNCE_DEERCLOPS = "That sounded big!",

ANNOUNCE_DUSK = "Goodbye, sun, hello moon!.",



GENERIC = "Too tasteful for my liking.",

PAINFUL = "That probably wasn't too good for me. Tasty, though.",

SPOILED = "That tasted like a false moustache.",

STALE = "Scrumptiously bland.",


ANNOUNCE_ENTER_DARK = "The darkness is quite exhilarating.",

ANNOUNCE_ENTER_LIGHT = "Back in the light of light.",

ANNOUNCE_FREEDOM = "Kiddo! You rescued me!",

ANNOUNCE_HIGHRESEARCH = "Now I am the smartest in science, as well.",

ANNOUNCE_HOUNDS = "I hear hounds! Such beautiful creatures.",

ANNOUNCE_HUNGRY = "Kiddo, give me some food!",

ANNOUNCE_HUNT_BEAST_NEARBY = "Soon, I shall finally find that animal.",

ANNOUNCE_HUNT_LOST_TRAIL = "It must'a swallowed a teleport charm.",

ANNOUNCE_INV_FULL = "I'll need somewhere else to put that.",

ANNOUNCE_KNOCKEDOUT = "I must have fallen asleep again.",

ANNOUNCE_LOWRESEARCH = "I didn't learn a bunch from this.",

ANNOUCE_MOSQUITOS = "Stop, or I'll turn you into a... something.",

ANNOUNCE_NODANGERSLEEP = "Kiddo, If I go to sleep now, I'll be killed!",

ANNOUNCE_NODAYSLEEP = "It's daytime, kiddo.",

ANNOUNCE_NOHUNGERSLEEP = "I have the munchies. I can't sleep now!",

ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP = "No trap here.",

ANNOUNCE_PECKED = "Ow! Stop, it, birdie.",

ANNOUNCE_QUAKE = "The ground is shaking a lot.",

ANNOUNCE_RESEARCH = "It's for learning.",


ANNOUNCE_TORCH_OUT = "My torch is out now. Better get a new one.",


ANNOUNCE_UNIMPLEMENTED = "OW! I don't think it's ready yet.",

ANNOUNCE_WORMHOLE = "That was fun!.",

ANNOUNCE_CANFIX = "\nI think I can fix this!",



GENERIC = "I'll attack you to death!",

PIG = "I'll kill the hooligan!",

PREY = "I will kill you to death until you die!",

SPIDER = "Sorry, but I have to kill you now.",

SPIDER_WARRIOR = "I hope you rest in peace after this!",




GENERIC = "The opponent was too powerful against my magic.",

PIG = "I would have gotten him.",

PREY = "I couldn't catch him",

SPIDER = "He'll be okay now.",

SPIDER_WARRIOR = "He was too powerful for me!",




EEL = "An acceptable replacement for an eye of knewt.",

EEL_COOKED = "It seems a bit fishy.",

UNAGI = "It would taste better if I cooked it with magic.",

EYETURRET = "One of the most dutiful magical protectors to date.",

EYETURRET_ITEM = "A wizard's best ally.",

MINOTAURHORN = "The Mino-horn is a powerful potion ingredient.",

THULECITE_PIECES = "Its useless in this state.",

POND_ALGAE = "Used in the best luck charms.",

GREENSTAFF = "It took a lot of work to get a staff this great.",

POTTEDFERN = "A useless decoration.",

THULECITE = "The people down here knew more about magic than me.",

ARMORRUINS = "The armour of a great warlock.",

RUINS_BAT = "Theulcite makes great weaponry.",



CALM = "It isn't sensing any major stability flux.",

WARN = "It senses some nightmare signals.",

WAXING = "The nightmares will be here soon. I need to get out of here.",

STEADY = "It's keeping steady.",

WANING = "The nightmares are getting weaker.",

DAWN = "They're almost finished!",

NOMAGIC = "The nightmare's are here no longer.",


BISHOP_NIGHTMARE = "The lightning automaton lives once more.",

ROOK_NIGHTMARE = "A clumsy beast.",

KNIGHT_NIGHTMARE = "A valiant steed.",

MINOTAUR = "It courses with corrupted magic.",

SPIDER_DROPPER = "My webbed friends come from there.",

NIGHTMARELIGHT = "It emits corrupted energy.",

GREENGEM = "It holds small quantities of destruction power.",

RELIC = "The work of the ancients.",

RUINS_RUBBLE = "I wish I could fix this.",

MULTITOOL_AXE_PICKAXE = "It will do nothing beyond wood and stone.",

ORANGESTAFF = "A teleportation charm. Nothing too dapper.",

YELLOWAMULET = "It has a simple conversion charm.",

GREENAMULET = "The destruction gem, but with a reversal charm.",

SLURPERPELT = "It still looks ugly, even when killed.",

SLURPER = "It's a bit ugly, but I admire it's tactics.",

SLURPER_PELT = "It still looks ugly, even when killed.",

ARMORSLURPER = "It still retains it's hunger-related tactics.",

ORANGEAMULET = "The object for the lazy wizard.",

YELLOWSTAFF = "It magnetimagically attracts the stars",

YELLOWGEM = "It contains the magic of magnets",

ORANGEGEM = "It seems like it wants to jump out of my hand.",



VALID = "It attracts randomized flux charms.",

GEMS = "It will all pay off once I complete it.",




VALID = "It's full, but a bit unstable.",

GEMS = "I need to put in a magic storage crystal.",


STAFFLIGHT = "It gives off light, but it is terribly unstable.",

RESEARCHLAB4 = "Now this is more like it!",

ANCIENT_ALTAR = "The altar of the ancients.",

ANCIENT_ALTAR_BROKEN = "I need to fix it.",

ANCIENT_STATUE = "It seems to have a watcher curse."

LICHEN = "Only a mythological herb could grow here.",

CUTLICHEN = "Tasty, but it rots fast..",

CAVE_BANANA = "This banana is bananas.",

CAVE_BANANA_COOKED = "It's cooked and crazy, too.",

CAVE_BANANA_TREE = "I thought bananas grew from plants.",

ROCKY = "It's all rocky.",



GENERIC="I can't get a reading.",

N = "It going north",

S = "Pointing south",

E = "I will now break the fourth wall. Hi!",

W = "Going west",

NE = "Northeast",

SE = "Southeast",

NW = "Northwest",

SW = "Southwest",




CALM = "It isn't sensing any major stability flux.",

WARN = "It senses some nightmare signals.",

WAXING = "The nightmares will be here soon. I need to get out of here.",

STEADY = "It's keeping steady.",

WANING = "The nightmares are getting weaker.",

DAWN = "They're almost finished!",

NOMAGIC = "The nightmare's are here no longer.",


HOUNDSTOOTH="Poor hound.",

ARMORSNURTLESHELL="'It's all slimy.",

BAT="An animal commonly used for decoration.",

BATBAT = "Bat wings have certain leeching properties in bat form.",

BATWING="It is no longer fit for decorating a haunted abode.",

BATWING_COOKED="It's scrumptious.",

BEDROLL_FURRY="I hate sleeping in these.",

BUNNYMAN="I see the pigs aren't the only brutish abominations to roam this land.",

FLOWER_CAVE="Magic enables the glowing aspect of this plant.",

FLOWER_CAVE_DOUBLE="It has grown two heads.",

FLOWER_CAVE_TRIPLE="The hydra of herbs.",

GUANO="A great potion ingredient.",

LANTERN="Not as good as a pumpkin lantern, but it will do.",

LIGHTBULB="It's magic, you know.",

MANRABBIT_TAIL="The tail of a manrabbit.",

MUSHTREE_TALL ="What a tall mushtree.",

MUSHTREE_MEDIUM="It's a good sized mushtree.",

MUSHTREE_SMALL ="It isn't very magical.",

RABBITHOUSE="And they have houses, as well. Are these things just retextured pigmen?",

SLURTLE="It looks so precious.",

SLURTLE_SHELLPIECES="A smashed piece of shell.",

SLURTLEHAT="Slurtles, in a hat form.",

SLURTLEHOLE="A den of 'aww'.",

SLURTLESLIME="It has a nice texture to it.",

SNURTLE="It's a bit less interesting than a slurtle.",

SPIDER_HIDER="Yet another cute cuddly spider.",

SPIDER_SPITTER="It has unlimited spit.",

SPIDERHOLE="Where spiders dwell.",

STALAGMITE="It's just a rock..",

STALAGMITE_FULL="A it's a just a rock.",

STALAGMITE_LOW="It's just a rock.",

STALAGMITE_MED="It's just a rock.",

STALAGMITE_TALL="Another rock.",



STALAGMITE_TALL_MED="It's... It's... just a rock."

TURF_FUNGUS="It hides truffles deep beneath.",

TURF_MUD="It squishes beneath my toes.",

TURF_SINKHOLE="I though sinkholes were a structure, not a turf.",

TURF_UNDERROCK="It's boring as rocks.",

POWCAKE = "It has a lot of 'pow' to it.",



GENERIC="I bet that has something beneath it.",

OPEN = "It's a hole. Truly amazing.",


CAVE_EXIT = "That wasn't very useful.",

MAXWELLPHONOGRAPH = "Sounds familiar.",

BOOMERANG = "Only cowards attack from afar.",

PIGGUARD = "It has a spell of aggravation on it.",

ABIGAIL = "I think I killed someone looking like her.",

ADVENTURE_PORTAL = "If I go through there, I can finally get that hobknocker.",

AMULET = "It's an amulet.",

ANIMAL_TRACK = "It seems like an animal track.",

ARMORGRASS = "I don't think this will help.",

ARMORMARBLE = "What does this have on it? A timeslower curse?",

ARMORWOOD = "Now this is more like it.",

ARMOR_SANITY = "I hate wearing this.",



GENERIC = "I half-expected a phoenix to come out of it.",

REMAINS_EYE_BONE = "I half-expected a flame-chester to come out of it",

REMAINS_THINGIE = "Well, I'm doomed.",


AXE = "It will get me logs, but that's it.",

BABYBEEFALO = "It looks horrible.",

BACKPACK = "A place for my items.",

BACONEGGS = "Bacon and eggs.",

BANDAGE = "A non-magic way of healing.",

BASALT = "Even the strongest of magic can't break this.",

BATBAT = "Bat wings have certain healing properties.",

BEARDHAIR = "It comes from the depths of craziness.",

BEDROLL_STRAW = "I could also just sleep on the ground.",



GENERIC = "What a pest.",

HELD = "Bee-utiful.",




FULLHONEY = "Time to feast on the fruits of their labels.",

GENERIC = "Bee dungeon.",

NOHONEY = "Work, my minions!",

SOMEHONEY = "There isn't enough in there.",




FOLLOWER = "Stahp following me!",

GENERIC = "It truly is repulsive.",

NAKED = "He isn't of any use to me now.",

SLEEPING = "Wake up!",


BEEFALOHAT = "Bleugh. They smell worse on the inside.",

BEEFALOWOOL = "A near useless potion ingredient.",

BEEHAT = "Try to get me now, bees.",

BEEHIVE = "Where the bees live.",

BEEMINE = "The bees are trapped in there.",

BEEMINE_MAXWELL = "Mosquitos. In mine form. Mostishtulating",

BERRIES = "A nourshing potion ingredient.",

BERRIES_COOKED = "They taste blander now.",



BARREN = "I should feed it the dung of animal.",

GENERIC = "It's a berry bush.",

PICKED = "They'll be back in two fortnights.",




GENERIC = "A dungeon for birds.",

OCCUPIED = "That's my bird!",

SLEEPING = "Awwww, he's asleep.",


BIRDTRAP = "What a useful combungulation.",

BIRD_EGG = "An edible baby.",

BIRD_EGG_COOKED = "A fried edible baby.",

BISHOP = "I've never seen a lightning bewitchment so powerful. Smabbable!",

BLOWDART_FIRE = "A tier 1 flame charm.",

BLOWDART_SLEEP = "The dust inside it is far more powerful when transfused with an apple.",

BLUEAMULET = "It has a conditional freezer charm.",

BLUEGEM = "What a hobnockering deepfreeze enchantment!",

BLUEPRINT = "Boring.

BLUE_CAP = "It's made blue with the most popumaterious of magics",

BLUE_CAP_COOKED = "The quotes for this messed up. Isn't that interesting?",



GENERIC = "The quotes for that messed up. Isn't that nebulous?",

INGROUND = "It needs the power of moonlight.",

PICKED = "It won't be here anytime soon.",


BOARDS = "Wooden planks.",

BOAT = "Kiddo, stop messing with debugspawn!",

BONESTEW = "Stew of bones goes great with garlic bread of knewt.",

BUGNET = "Any useless maggot that dares stand before me will be imprisoned!",

BUSHHAT = "It has over 120 magitubulous stealth charms.",

BUTTER = "Yeuck. I hate butter.",



GENERIC = "They spawn from the petals of evil.",

HELD = "You will die soon, smebulous hobnocker!",


BUTTERFLYMUFFIN = "It came from a smubbly insect.",

BUTTERFLYWINGS = "I have killed it.",



EMBERS = "It needs a regeneration charm, and metubulously!",

GENERIC = "It brings back memories of angry farmers.",

HIGH = "It's masavulating, but it will probably set something else on fire.",

LOW = "I should probably refill it.",

NORMAL = "It's motubulous, but it could be higher.",

OUT = "Pwooley. Well, I'm doomed.",


CANE = "It has speed runes embedded in the sides of it.",

CARROT = "It's delusionally bland.",

CARROT_COOKED = "Its cooked, but it looks like its boiled.",

CARROT_PLANTED = "It's been shoved in the ground.",

CARROT_SEEDS = "It's so carrotubulous.",

CAVE_FERN = "A submerbulous house plant.",

CHARCOAL = "The charred corpse of a treant.",

CHESSJUNK1 = "I will try-yy-yy to fix you.",

CHESSJUNK2 = "I should fix it.",

CHESSJUNK3 = "Junk found normally in the room of a giant chess nerd.",

CHESTER = "It looks better when dressed to look like a cat.",



GENERIC = "It has a beacon rune on it.",

WAITING = "It went to sleep.",


COOKEDMANDRAKE = "That's what you get for bonsululating with Waverly!",

COOKEDMEAT = "It's all burnt.",

COOKEDMONSTERMEAT = "Now it's bland, as well as rotten. Yum!",

COOKEDSMALLMEAT = "It's slightly less tasty now.",



COOKING_LONG = "The food won't be ready for a while.",

COOKING_SHORT = "It's nearly cookulated!",

DONE = "Time to feast on a multidbulitude of horror.",

EMPTY = "It transfuluates four random foods together.",


CORN = "It tastes funny.",

CORN_COOKED = "I shoulda boiled it.",

CORN_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",



GENERIC = "Hello, birdie.",

HELD = "I have him in my hands.",


CUTGRASS = "A bunch of overgrown weeds.",

CUTREEDS = "Cut reeds, ready for crafting and hobbying.",

CUTSTONE = "It's in blocks now.",

DEERCLOPS = "What a magestical creature.",

DEERCLOPS_EYEBALL = "A substitute of the willow eye.",



GENERIC = "It's grassy.",


DEVTOOL = "The tool of devs and modders alike.",

DEVTOOL_NODEV = "I'm not a dev. I can't use it.",

DIRTPILE = "It's a dirt.",



COLD = "It isn't picking any transdimension signals.",

GENERIC = "It picks up transdimensional signals.",

HOT = "It says I'm close to something interdimensional!",

WARM = "I'm headed in the right direction.",

WARMER = "I must be getting pretty close.",




GENERIC = "I wonder what it does.",

READY = "It looks like it needs a large key.",

UNLOCKED = "Now my machine can work!",


DIVININGRODSTART = "That rod looks useful!",

DRAGONFRUIT = "It holds the spirit of a vegan dragon.",

DRAGONFRUIT_COOKED = "Fiery, and dragon-y.",

DRAGONFRUIT_SEEDS = "It's a magestical seed of fire.",

DRAGONPIE = "It tastes like dragon flesh.",

DRUMSTICK = "Tastes derpilicious.",

DRUMSTICK_COOKED = "I don't think I should eat this.",

DUG_BERRYBUSH = "I wanna plant this hollywobbler!",

DUG_GRASS = "I wanna plant this hollywobbler!",

DUG_MARSH_BUSH = "I wanna plant this hollywobbler!",

DUG_SAPLING = "I should plant this.",

DURIAN = "It tastes delectibicious.",

DURIAN_COOKED = "Food for the best of warlocks.",

DURIAN_SEEDS = "It has the essence of awesomeness.",

EARMUFFSHAT = "Stop screeching in my ear! It probably isn't that painful."

EGGPLANT = "An egg-y plant, through and through.",

EGGPLANT_COOKED = "It has died to it's own tastilumisence.",

EGGPLANT_SEEDS = "It has the essence of poultry.",



BURNING = "I'm practically summoning a treeguard.",

BURNT = "It looks so patheduluos.",

CHOPPED = "A loraxithian portal, ripe for the taking.",

GENERIC = "A friend to slenderman, treants, and squirrels.",




BURNING = "I'm practically summoning an angry squirrel army.",

BURNT = "It looks to embarathetic.",

CHOPPED = "This used to be a tree. Now it's a stump.",

GENERIC = "Even more boring than a regular tree..",


EYEPLANT = "It contains leithulous natural charms and curses.",



GENERIC = "It needs seeds.",

GROWING = "It isn't useful to me. Yet.",

NEEDSFERTILIZER = "It needs magic... or poop.",


FEATHERHAT = "It maginectically attracts feathers.",

FEATHER_CROW = "It is useful in countless potions.",

FEATHER_ROBIN = "It is utterly useless in the world of magic.",

FEATHER_ROBIN_WINTER = "It has a natural freezer charm.",

FEM_PUPPET = "Almost comical.",



GENERIC = "Luminescious, disperciating, and nebulous.",

HELD = "I can use these in almost any potion.",


FIREHOUND = "He has a level two flame enchant.",



EMBERS = "It needs flames, pronstato!",

GENERIC = "I guess this is my base, then.",

HIGH = "Good thing the stones have fireblocking enchants.",

LOW = "I wish I remembered my refueling spell.",

NORMAL = "Annoyingly safe.",

OUT = "I guess this is my base, then.",


FIRESTAFF = "A very simple flame enchantment.",

FISH = "Say, fishie, do you like campfires?",

FISHINGROD = "It is used... for fishing.",

FISHSTICKS = "I conjured it up myself!",

FISHTACOS = "I conjured it up myself!",

FISH_COOKED = "Apparently it didn't like campfires.",

FLINT = "Useful, but it can't store magic well.",

FLOWER = "A flower! Get it away! get it AWAY FROM ME!",

FLOWERHAT = "Why. Did. I. Even. Make. This.",

FLOWER_EVIL = "This flower I can stand.!",

FOLIAGE = "It's foliage.",

FOOTBALLHAT = "Isn't that for one of those newfandangled sports?",



DEAD = "I killed it. Hooray.",

GENERIC = "I need its eyeballs to make a teleportation powder",

SLEEPING = "Now I can go all Jeff the Killer on him.",


FROGGLEBUNWICH = "I cooked it myself!",

FROGLEGS = "All I need now is an eye of knewt, and the beak of kraken.",

FROGLEGS_COOKED = "Mere baby food for me.",

FRUITMEDLEY = "I cooked it myself!",

GEARS = "A hodgepodge of mechanical nonsense.",

GHOST = "Don't be so angry. You weren't using your stuff anyways.",

GOLDENAXE = "Now I can get logs in style!",

GOLDENPICKAXE = "Gold is naturally enchanted with nonsnapping 3.",

GOLDENPITCHFORK = "For lords and ladies who join an angry mob.",

GOLDENSHOVEL = "Gold is naturally enchanted with nonsnapping 3.",

GOLDNUGGET = "It has high flux storage capacity.",



BARREN = "I shall feed it a feast of bones!",

BURNING = "It's on fire.",

GENERIC = "It looks more like wheat than grass.",

PICKED = "It'll take way too many fortnights for that to regrow.",



GREEN_CAP_COOKED = "Its delectable, but should I eat it?",



GENERIC = "It's as green as toxic waste.",

INGROUND = "I need to wait for dusk to come.",

PICKED = "It won't be back anytime soon.",


GUNPOWDER = "Eggs are powerful explosives.",

HAMBAT = "I forged it from the flesh of my worst enemies.",

HAMMER = "I will smash everything that dares to get in my way!",

HEALINGSALVE = "It has the essence tiny invisible doctor inside of it.",



COLD = "This won't help at all.",

GENERIC = "It stores the essence of dragons.",

HOT = "It's almost too hot to handle!",

WARM = "It's warm and cuddly... for a rock!",


HOME = "Where the beasts of this world rest.",

HOMESIGN = "Now how do I write on it?",

HONEY = "The fruits of bee labour.",

HONEYCOMB = "Apartements for bees.",

HONEYHAM = "The flesh of a honey golem.",

HONEYNUGGETS = "The flesh of a honey golem.",

HORN = "Hypnotistic runes are carved on the inside.",

HOUND = "Isn't he just precious?",

HOUNDBONE = "It is a bone.",

HOUNDMOUND = "Where all my pets come from.",

ICEBOX = "It has a preservation enchantment.",

ICEHOUND = "Are there hounds for every season?",




INACTIVE = "It's more of a pyramid than an obelisk.",


JAMMYPRESERVES = "I cooked it myself!",

KABOBS = "I cooked it myself!",



GENERIC = "Oh no! It's a killer bee!",

HELD = "This seems dangerous.",


KNIGHT = "Check it out!",

KOALEFANT_SUMMER = "Adorably delicious.",

KOALEFANT_WINTER = "It looks warm and full of meat.",

KRAMPUS = "He's going after my stuff!",

KRAMPUS_SACK = "Ew. It has Krampus slime all over it.",

LEIF = "He's huge!",

LEIF_SPARSE = "He's huge!",



CHARGED = "The power is mine!",

GENERIC = "I can harness the heavens!",


LITTLE_WALRUS = "He won't be cute and cuddly forever.",

LIVINGLOG = "It looks worried.",

LOCKEDWES = "Pfft. Laughable.",



BURNING = "That's some hot wood!",

GENERIC = "It isn't useful for much.",


LUREPLANT = "It has natural luring magic.",

LUREPLANTBULB = "Now I can start my very own meat farm.",

MALE_PUPPET = "He's trapped!",



DEAD = "A mandrake root has strange powers.",

GENERIC = "I've heard strange things about those plants.",

PICKED = "Quit your yakking, kiddo!",


MANDRAKESOUP = "I cooked it myself!",

MANDRAKE_COOKED = "It doesn't seem so strange anymore.",

MARBLE = "Fancy!",

MARBLEPILLAR = "I think I could use that.",

MARBLETREE = "I don't think an axe will cut it.",



BURNING = "That's burning fast!",

GENERIC = "Reminds me of home.",

PICKED = "That hurt.",


MARSH_PLANT = "It reminds me of home.",



BURNING = "I have to put it out!",

BURNT = "My memories... all gone...",

CHOPPED = "Not so spiky now!",

GENERIC = "Those spikes look sharp!",


MAXWELL = "He meddles with magic too much.",

MAXWELLHEAD = "I can see into his pores.",

MAXWELLLIGHT = "I wonder how they work.",

MAXWELLLOCK = "Looks almost like a key hole.",

MAXWELLTHRONE = "It's made of pure nightmare.",

MEAT = "It's a bit gamey, but it'll do.",

MEATBALLS = "I cooked it myself!",



DONE = "Jerky time!",

DRYING = "Meat takes a while to dry.",

GENERIC = "I should dry some meats.",


MEAT_DRIED = "It's blander now!",

MERM = "Such a majestic creature.",

MERMHEAD = "Who could've done such a thing?",

MERMHOUSE = "Not much different from my old house.",

MINERHAT = "I'm not a witch, not a miner.",

MONKEY = "It has been mutated to have an extra row of teeth.",

MONKEYBARREL = "It's a portal to the banana dimension.",

MONSTERLASAGNA = "I cooked it myself!",

MONSTERMEAT = "The food of hysterical kings.",

MONSTERMEAT_DRIED = "It's crazy and bland!",



GENERIC = "Admirable tactics.",

HELD = "Aww, it's sucking my blood!",




DUG = "Well, that was fun.",

GENERIC = "I should loot the corpses",


NIGHTLIGHT = "It gives off a spooky light.",

NIGHTMAREFUEL = "I thought this was outlawed in the magic world.",

NIGHTSWORD = "I shouldn't really use this.",

NITRE = "It might explodinate if I set it on fire.",

ONEMANBAND = "With it I can create beautiful music.",

PANDORASCHEST = "It may contain something fantastic! Or horrible.",

PANFLUTE = "The tool of half goat, half man theives.",

PAPYRUS = "I could write spells on these.",

PENGUIN = "They look so derpy.",

PERD = "If he touches my food I'll turn him into a bush!",

PEROGIES = "I cooked it myself!",

PETALS = "I really hate holding these.",

PETALS_EVIL = "These could be dead useful. Somehow.",

PICKAXE = "Reminds me of that game the kiddies keep talking about. Before I kill them.",

PIGGYBACK = "Should I really be putting things in a pig's guts?",

PIGHEAD = "Haha, he's dead! Ahh, hilarious.",



FULL = "He's probably laughing at me.",

GENERIC = "How did they manage to build a house?",

LIGHTSOUT = "If you don't come out right now, I'll turn you into a slug!",


PIGKING = "So this is their king. Not very impressive.",



DEAD = "Yes! He's dead! Woohoo!",

FOLLOWER = "I'll dump him as soon as I get the chance.",

GENERIC = "The thing is a terrible creature.",

GUARD = "Repulsive and agressive, too.",

WEREPIG = "Now he has some class!",


PIGSKIN = "I have no regrets.",

PIGTENT = "Eugh. Would anyone really want to sleep inside that?",

PIGTORCH = "It summons the most repulsive of beasts.",



GENERIC = "There's a tiny invisible botanist trapped inside.",

PLANTED = "I wish I knew how to turn it into a treant.",


PITCHFORK = "Now to start my very own angry mob.",

PLANTMEAT = "This was a delicacy back where I lived.",

PLANTMEAT_COOKED = "I've never thought of cooking it before.",



GENERIC = "It's a plant. Nothing abnormal.",

GROWING = "I hope it grows into a mandrake.",

READY = "Perhaps it should be harvested.",


POMEGRANATE = "It reminds me of my half-cousin's brain.",

POMEGRANATE_COOKED = "This will be a feast.",

POMEGRANATE_SEEDS = "It's a seed.",

POND = "It's depth has been multiplied to infinity.",

POOP = "Yay. More poo.",

PUMPKIN = "It's the best thing in the history of plants.",

PUMPKINCOOKIE = "It tastes like home.",

PUMPKIN_COOKED = "Magic made it into a pie.",

PUMPKIN_LANTERN = "It's a dream come true.",

PUMPKIN_SEEDS = "It contains the essence of my homeland.",

PURPLEAMULET = "A walkie-talkie for 'them'.",

PURPLEGEM = "I don't suggest it should be used.",



GENERIC = "A showmagician's apprentace.",

HELD = "All it needs now is a trandimensional hat.",


RABBITHOLE = "Come out, I can't murder you inside your den!",

RAINOMETER = "Is it raining? Is it not? Now I know.",

RATATOUILLE = "I cooked it myself!",

RAZOR = "Now I can make hairy things less hairy. Hooray.",

REDGEM = "It is full of flame magic.",

RED_CAP = "It smells awesome.",

RED_CAP_COOKED = "It's different now...",



GENERIC = "It's a red mushroom.",

INGROUND = "It'll come back with the sun.",

PICKED = "It won't be back anytime soon.",




BURNING = "It set fire to the reeds.",

GENERIC = "I have a garden of these back home.",

PICKED = "I took all the usefullness from it.",




GENERIC = "These must be where they lived.",

BROKEN = "Without a preservation spell, they have crumbled.",


RUINS_RUBBLE = "This can be fixed.",

RUBBLE = "Just bits and pieces of rock.",

RESEARCHLAB = "Dreadfully normal.",

RESEARCHLAB2 = "The closest you can get to magic without magic itself.",

RESEARCHLAB3 = "This is getting into the bad side of magic",

RESEARCHLAB4 = "Now this, this is more like it.",

RESURRECTIONSTATUE = "It has an odd hairdo",

RESURRECTIONSTONE = "Those are reviving runes scratched on it.",



GENERIC = "Lame.",

HELD = "He likes my pocket.",




GENERIC = "I once turned an elderly man into one of these.",

HELD = "It looks so.. pathetic.",


ROBOT_PUPPET = "Almost comical.",



GENERIC = "A crusted over lava pit.",

OUT = "Looks fragile.",

LOW = "The lava's crusting over.",

NORMAL = "Nice and comfy.",


ROCK = "So interesting. I should be it's friend.",

ROCKS = "As much fun as a bag of rocks.",

ROOK = "A big brute engraved with speed runes.",

ROPE = "This idea is 'Roping' me in.",

ROTTENEGG = "I wish it was healthy so I could eat it.",



ACTIVE = "Sanity runes keep be from ROCK-ing over it.",

INACTIVE = "It would be blocking me if I were insane.",




BURNING = "Add that to the list of collateral damage.",

GENERIC = "Looks more like a dead bush to me.",

PICKED = "It don't got no twigs no more.",


SEEDS = "I ain't no pidgeon.",

SEEDS_COOKED = "Tastier, but I'm still not a pidgeon!",

SEWING_KIT = "Now I can make a voodoo doll.",

SHOVEL = "Now I can be like Danpi!",

SILK = "Spider poo is amazingly useful.",

SKELETON = "I give you no sympathy, nor any condolonces.",

SKULLCHEST = "This even exists?",



GENERIC = "You'll be useful.",

HUNGRY = "Say, fella, you look starved.",

STARVING = "Stop chirping! I'll feed you later, I promise!.",


SMALLMEAT = "Delectable corpse meat.",

SMALLMEAT_DRIED = "It's even blander now!",

SPEAR = "The most crude of weapons.",



DEAD = "Poor spidey.",

GENERIC = "Why, aren't you just the cutest thing.",

SLEEPING = "It's like a little gargoyle. So sweet.",


SPIDERDEN = "Where my darlings go to sleep each night.",

SPIDEREGGSACK = "The nest lives on in my pocket.",

SPIDERGLAND = "One advantage to kill your companions.",

SPIDERHAT = "It looks very fashinabulous.",

SPIDERQUEEN = "Why hello, there!",



DEAD = "Aww. Well, nature does what nature does.",

GENERIC = "Looks like someone's eager to please.",

SLEEPING = "Isn't it just so cute with it's little fangs!",


SPOILED_FOOD = "It isn't very nutritional, but it tastes positivulous.",

STATUEHARP = "Decapitated statues are a running joke in the magic world.",

STATUEMAXWELL = "Looks like somebody is a narcissist.",

STINGER = "It would work better if it was poisoned.",

STRAWHAT = "It's pretty much useless.",

STUFFEDEGGPLANT = "I conjured it up myself!",

SUNKBOAT = "I hate boats, always sinking.",

TAFFY = "A poor-quality building material.",

TALLBIRD = "I used to have a pet one of these.",

TALLBIRDEGG = "It's a choice between a meal and a friend.",

TALLBIRDEGG_COOKED = "It's edible, and that's what counts.",



COLD = "Quit your whining, I'm okay, you should be too!",

GENERIC = "It's coming out... eventually.",

HOT = "Quit your whining, I'm okay, you should be too!",

LONG = "Speed it up in there! I have things for you to kill!",

SHORT = "I'll soon have another familliar.",




GENERIC = "It's an omelette in a nest.",

PICKED = "Nothing edibilulous for me here.",




GENERIC = "It's in its rebellious age.",

HUNGRY = "It needs something to eat.",

STARVING = "Sonny, I'm too busy to feed you!",




VALID = "It attracts all transportanional flux.",

GEMS = "It needs more magic to certainificatinate.",




VALID = "It's ok, but a little unstable.",

GEMS = "It requires a flux capsule.",




ACTIVE = "A one-way ticket to a new purgatory.",

GENERIC = "With this I can acess new worlds!",

LOCKED = "There's still something missing.",

PARTIAL = "It needs more imaaaginatioonn",


TELEPORTATO_BOX = "This box hides an unstabilized force.",

TELEPORTATO_CRANK = "It isn't actually that important.",

TELEPORTATO_POTATO = "It holds power famlilliar to any average wizard.",

TELEPORTATO_RING = "It is built to focus transdimensional flux .",

TELESTAFF = "It's fun to baddiddle around with it.",

TENT = "I'm better off not sleeping.",

TENTACLE = "A flail-y mythological beast.",

TENTACLESPIKE = "It couldn't be as good as it is without magic.",

TENTACLESPOTS = "The magic of biology!",

TENTACLE_PILLAR = "A slimy pole.",

TENTACLE_PILLAR_ARM = "A flail-y mythological beast.",

TENTACLE_GARDEN = "This still is only the tentacle of the beast.",

TOPHAT = "Too dapper for my tastes.",

TORCH = "Luminosus charms work way better.",

TRAP = "It isn't as good a leg-locker trap.",

TRAP_TEETH = "It has teir three detection runes.",

TRAP_TEETH_MAXWELL = "It only has a teir one detection enchantment. Pathetic.",

TREASURECHEST = "The dungeoner's award.",

TREASURECHEST_TRAP = "It totally isn't a trap.",

TREECLUMP = "Reminds me of that boy I cursed. I think his name was Ash.",

TRINKET_1 = "They are all melted together.",

TRINKET_10 = "I could really use these!",

TRINKET_11 = "I've had enough of your fibbing, sonny!",

TRINKET_12 = "This has a myriad of uses in the world of magic.",

TRINKET_2 = "It's just a cheap replica.",

TRINKET_3 = "Magic could untie this.",

TRINKET_4 = "It is used in children's hexing rituals.",

TRINKET_5 = "Only the worst of beasts would like this.",

TRINKET_6 = "Isn't this used in those electricity thingamajigs?",

TRINKET_7 = "Only the worst of beasts would like this.",

TRINKET_8 = "I don't even bathe.",

TRINKET_9 = "It reminds me of that fellow I turned into a button.",

TRUNKVEST_SUMMER = "Useless against the elements and attacks.",

TRUNKVEST_WINTER = "It has weather protection runes.",

TRUNK_COOKED = "That is even more disgusting.",

TRUNK_SUMMER = "The mouth of evil.",

TRUNK_WINTER = " used in elemental protection enchantments.",

TURF_CARPETFLOOR = "I thought carpet was an indoor type of flooring.",

TURF_CHECKERFLOOR = "These seem pretty modern.",

TURF_DIRT = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_FOREST = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_GRASS = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_MARSH = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_ROAD = "It looks hastily hodepoged.",

TURF_ROCKY = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_SAVANNA = "A chunk of ground.",

TURF_WOODFLOOR = "The most common type of floor, next to carpets.",


TWIGS = "Playthings for wannabe wizards.",

UMBRELLA = "And what is this useful for?",

UNIMPLEMENTED = "Seems like work of a Klei wizard. I musn't touch it.",

WAFFLES = "I cooked it myself!",

WALL_HAY = "As usefull as a falsinulatable moustache.",

WALL_HAY_ITEM = "I shrunk it to fit in my pockets.",

WALL_STONE = "The strongest wall availabe without magic.",

WALL_STONE_ITEM = "I shrunk it to fit in my pockets.",

WALL_RUINS = "It looks like it has countless enchants.",

WALL_RUINS_ITEM = "The walls used in houses of magical geniuses.",

WALL_WOOD = "This is some quality protection!",

WALL_WOOD_ITEM = "I shrunk it to fit in my pockets.",

WALRUS = "It must have a sentience curse.",

WALRUSHAT = "Wearing this makes me feel ugly.",



EMPTY = "Looks like a spacewarlock landed here.",

GENERIC = "I wish I could fit in there.",


WALRUS_TUSK = "Powdered tusk is useful in transmutation potions.",

WASPHIVE = "Those guys are agitatulated!",

WETGOOP = "Well, that was a fail.",

WINTERHAT = "I've always liked touqes.",

WINTEROMETER = "Is it cold out? Is it not? Now I know.",



GENERIC = "Its a sandworm, buried in the ground.",

OPEN = "I always love jumping through these.",


WORMHOLE_LIMITED = "It seems unwell. Maybe I shouldn't go through it.",


DESCRIBE_GENERIC = "I haven't seen this before.",

DESCRIBE_TOODARK = "This isn't a good idea, even for a witch.",



TALLBIRDEGG_CRACKED = "It tastes like cuteness.",



BTW, Is the mod up in the downloads part of the forums? That way we can submit it.

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Just wanted to give you heads up that it works perfectly. But I also wanted to tell you that the preview has other problems (you might know already). Namely those that it doesn't properly convert normal animations anymore and it now complains about my "fixed" spriter file from the tree. And it converst every animation everytime I start the game. As long as we have access to the old version it's no big deal of course  ^^



You know, people who say "not to be Mr.Buzzkill but..." usually are Mr.Buzzkill  : P

But I think there's nor reason to worry. Coding is done, it might just need some finer polishing and tuning. All the bugs will not be found anyways, that needs more people. The artwork for the tree is done. Strings are almost done. And the character atlas is done. The only thing where we'll have to swallow the bitter pill I guess is the bigportrait, I haven't heard anyone doing that. But that shouldn't take to much from the actual experience I hope...


@Everyone from the Team: Do you want to be mentioned by your real name in the credits (I just put those in the  modinfo)? If yes just send me a PM, otherwise it'll just stay as is.


EDIT: Here's the current version of the mod. Anyone, like really anyone, who wants to give it a try is very welcome to do so and report any bugs directly here or PM me. Be aware that it's gigantic in filesize because all uncompressed images and sound are still in there. The final release will be ~6MB. Is that to big?

Thanks for cathing the problems, I'll take a look at these as well.

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  • Developer

Just wanted to give you heads up that it works perfectly. But I also wanted to tell you that the preview has other problems (you might know already). Namely those that it doesn't properly convert normal animations anymore and it now complains about my "fixed" spriter file from the tree. And it converst every animation everytime I start the game. As long as we have access to the old version it's no big deal of course  ^^



You know, people who say "not to be Mr.Buzzkill but..." usually are Mr.Buzzkill  : P

But I think there's nor reason to worry. Coding is done, it might just need some finer polishing and tuning. All the bugs will not be found anyways, that needs more people. The artwork for the tree is done. Strings are almost done. And the character atlas is done. The only thing where we'll have to swallow the bitter pill I guess is the bigportrait, I haven't heard anyone doing that. But that shouldn't take to much from the actual experience I hope...


@Everyone from the Team: Do you want to be mentioned by your real name in the credits (I just put those in the  modinfo)? If yes just send me a PM, otherwise it'll just stay as is.


EDIT: Here's the current version of the mod. Anyone, like really anyone, who wants to give it a try is very welcome to do so and report any bugs directly here or PM me. Be aware that it's gigantic in filesize because all uncompressed images and sound are still in there. The final release will be ~6MB. Is that to big?

I believe that's currently too big for the forums but I can talk to Joe about how we can fit this awesomeness :).

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  • Developer

Just wanted to give you heads up that it works perfectly. But I also wanted to tell you that the preview has other problems (you might know already). Namely those that it doesn't properly convert normal animations anymore and it now complains about my "fixed" spriter file from the tree. And it converst every animation everytime I start the game. As long as we have access to the old version it's no big deal of course  ^^



You know, people who say "not to be Mr.Buzzkill but..." usually are Mr.Buzzkill  : P

But I think there's nor reason to worry. Coding is done, it might just need some finer polishing and tuning. All the bugs will not be found anyways, that needs more people. The artwork for the tree is done. Strings are almost done. And the character atlas is done. The only thing where we'll have to swallow the bitter pill I guess is the bigportrait, I haven't heard anyone doing that. But that shouldn't take to much from the actual experience I hope...


@Everyone from the Team: Do you want to be mentioned by your real name in the credits (I just put those in the  modinfo)? If yes just send me a PM, otherwise it'll just stay as is.


EDIT: Here's the current version of the mod. Anyone, like really anyone, who wants to give it a try is very welcome to do so and report any bugs directly here or PM me. Be aware that it's gigantic in filesize because all uncompressed images and sound are still in there. The final release will be ~6MB. Is that to big?

When you say it 'doesn't properly convert normal animations', what do you mean? The tree was working for me and I also tried the creature tutorials and they worked fine as well.

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When you say it 'doesn't properly convert normal animations', what do you mean? The tree was working for me and I also tried the creature tutorials and they worked fine as well.

When I started the game it told me "Bad Formating" or something on those lines. I can try again if you like and tell you what exactly is the error. It also recompiled the spelltome (in the zip I linked) and the different animations weren't working anymore. Only the "idle" state was working. Again, I can try again if you want.

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@Malacath , I have a few bugs to report.

1st, The Willow is virtually unchoppable due to the lightnings. Maybe just have that happen every 5th chop?

2nd, If you restart the game, two Waverly huts spawn.

3rd: Exiting the game as Waverly closes the whole game, not just taking you to the main menu.

4th: Waverly's health investements vanish after you reload the game

5th: I would like to change some of the new item quotes due to me being uneducated on the artwork of the game. (The magic twigs have eye-ish quotes.)

6th: The thunderstorms generated by the willow are endless, making it very noisy.

7th: The narcolepsy didn't work as well as I'd hoped, could you remove it?

8th: The mod generates many megabiomes of marsh. This is kind annoying, since it makes trees, flint, rocks and other things very rare.

9th: Mob Waverly summons too many alliesto fight, is there any way to limit it to only two at a time?

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  • Developer

Heehee, thanks for that.


I'm actually seeing a great workaround for some of these limitations... just wish there was a mac version of the compiling tools, so I could play around with things.


Just a few more questions:

What swap symbols are there? Just hand, body, and head?

Would it be possible to get a template or diagram labeling the pivot points of the swap symbols on the player?

And the swap symbols for armour have multiple views... front, back & side... how do we hook something like that up?

This Spriter file has most of the the symbols hooked up with their appropriate pivots :).



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@Malacath , I have a few bugs to report.

1st, The Willow is virtually unchoppable due to the lightnings. Maybe just have that happen every 5th chop?

2nd, If you restart the game, two Waverly huts spawn.

3rd: Exiting the game as Waverly closes the whole game, not just taking you to the main menu.

4th: Waverly's health investements vanish after you reload the game

5th: I would like to change some of the new item quotes due to me being uneducated on the artwork of the game. (The magic twigs have eye-ish quotes.)

6th: The thunderstorms generated by the willow are endless, making it very noisy.

7th: The narcolepsy didn't work as well as I'd hoped, could you remove it?

8th: The mod generates many megabiomes of marsh. This is kind annoying, since it makes trees, flint, rocks and other things very rare.

9th: Mob Waverly summons too many alliesto fight, is there any way to limit it to only two at a time?

Most of those aren't bugs  : P

1. You still have to just hold the spacebar. Just makes it a bit slower which I think is ok. But I will add a random chance for a lightning to reduce it a bit.

2. Didn't happen to me, I'll have to see what the problem is.

3. See 2.

4. That's odd... See 2.

5. The artwork is not finished yet, but true. I guess the twigs won't have eyes on them. I can send you the template if you promise me not to mess up the brackets again  : P

6. That's the idea. You should feel a initmidated by it and it shall make you leave. That's of course in the interest of the tree which doesn't want to be killed by you.

7. I can add a random chance here as well.

8. The mod creates one marsh biome only. If it generates more than one that would mean it generates more than one tree. If that's the case it will be shown in your log as "More than one willow spawned!" If that's the case come back to me.

9. There are two tuning variables, number of spawns per casting, max number of spawns - 1





Sorry, this is the correctly sized texture

I will implement it right now.

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That's some nasty aliasing...


You might be able to do a quick-and-dirty fix by merging all the layers (if they're not already), then duplicating that "master" layer, then using the HSV tool to drop the saturation and value completely, giving you a solid black copy of the atlas image.


If you save it out with that solid black 'silhouette' version under the "master" layer with the properly coloured textures, it will hopefully fix up your nasty aliasing issues.


I'm afraid I can't guarantee it will work.

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That's some nasty aliasing...


You might be able to do a quick-and-dirty fix by merging all the layers (if they're not already), then duplicating that "master" layer, then using the HSV tool to drop the saturation and value completely, giving you a solid black copy of the atlas image.


If you save it out with that solid black 'silhouette' version under the "master" layer with the properly coloured textures, it will hopefully fix up your nasty aliasing issues.


I'm afraid I can't guarantee it will work.

Thanks for the tip. But it really only makes a minor difference. Since I only have the png though I guess ElAguilar has better chances of fixing it.


EDIT: @KidneyBeanBoy Here you go.



        WAND = "Amaze your friends!",

        SPELLTOME = "A lower-tier necronomicon",


    NAMES = {

        WAVERLYMOB = "Waverly",

        WAVERLYWAND = "Waverlys Familiar",

        WAVERLYHOUSE = "Waverly's Hut",

        WAND = "Witches Wand",

        MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "Shiny Twigs",

        MAGICWOOD_BARK = "Slippery Bark",

        MAGICWOOD_EYE = "Staring Eyeball",

        SPELLTOME = "Dark Tome",

        WEEPINGWILLOW = "The Weeping Willow",

        RAGECROW = "Dark Crow",

        GRAVESHOVEL = "Gravediggers Dream",



        GENERIC = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "She's definitely NOT a clearly insane individual.",

                WAVERLYWAND = "Magic is so unexplainable.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "I could use a house.",

                WAND = "It has a myriad of uses. Mostly magic.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "It looks at me strangely ",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "It seems to have a will of its own.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "It contains incantations in an unknown language.",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "It looks a mite ticked off at me.",

                    BURNT = "The solution for magic was fire.",

                    CHOPPED = "A wooden gravestone.",

                    GENERIC = "So the trees DO have ears. And eyes.",


                RAGECROW = "It's fueled by pain and confusion.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "It's not feeling good",




        WILLOW = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "What a crazy old bag.",

                WAVERLYWAND = "I could use this.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "I wish I knew how to build one of those.",

                WAND = "Do I look like a wizard?",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "It stares with burning eyes.",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "It seems ready to bite.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "It contains utter gibberish.",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "I told you I'd set you on fire.",

                    BURNT = "That was a forest fire to remember.",

                    CHOPPED = " It can't stare at me now.",

                    GENERIC = "Let's see it stare like that on fire!",


                RAGECROW = "An angry little bird.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "Reminds me of my cousin Danpi.",




        WOLFGANG = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "Mother?",

                WAVERLYWAND = "Wolfgang's might has no need for magic!",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "House? Wolfgang doesn't need house!",

                WAND = "Wolfgang likes the way it sparkles.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "Lowly twig challenges Wolfgang with his eyes!",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "Looks like wood.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "Wolfgang doesn't understand the funny words.",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "Vine trees be hating on Wolfgang! Tree be dead now!",

                    BURNT = "Wolfgang can get magic charcoal now.",

                    CHOPPED = "Magic tree no match for Wolfgang!",

                    GENERIC = "Sad tree reminds Wolfgang of home.",


                RAGECROW = "Mad birdie!",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "Wolfgang has angry shovel.",




        WOODIE = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "First person I meet, and she's evil. Weird, eh?",

                WAVERLYWAND = "A glorified toothpick.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "A rustic abode.",

                WAND = "It's magic, you know.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "Sorry, pal! You were just so choppable.",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "Creepy, eh?",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "Is this written in yasastainian?",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "Now I can't chop it down! What was I thinking?",

                    BURNT = "It is choppable.",

                    CHOPPED = "I have become the first person to destroy a magic tree?",

                    GENERIC = "Another tree to chop down!",


                RAGECROW = "Seems a mite evil.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "A shovel for the dead.",




        WICKERBOTTOM = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "She's as old as me.",

                WAVERLYWAND = "I've heard of this in a storybook once.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "A house.",

                WAND = "A weapon dreamed up in the 18th century.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "It has stupendously enlarged pupils.",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "Its a... thing.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "It isn't even written in actual language.",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "It looks at me with evil retinas.",

                    BURNT = "Charcoal.",

                    CHOPPED = "The remains of a salix babylonica.",

                    GENERIC = "Its a... thing.",


                RAGECROW = "A cursed redbird.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "I don't like to dig graves.",




        WENDY = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "Evil is typical within humanity.",

                WAVERLYWAND = "Used for glorified necromancy.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "Where evil rests.",

                WAND = "Witchcraft at best.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "Twigs containing the curse of sight.",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "It contains hate towards life, even when dead.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "Written during the depths of insanity.",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "It looks at me with eyes full of fire.",

                    BURNT = "It had to stop burning eventually.",

                    CHOPPED = "It is useless now.",

                    GENERIC = "A glorified mutant.",


                RAGECROW = "It feels unimaginable hatred.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "Who would want to use this?",




        WX78 = {

            DESCRIBE = {







                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",


                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "HILARIOUS.",


                    CHOPPED = "IT CANNOT HARM ME ANY LONGER.",

                    GENERIC = "A FAILED TREEGUARD.",







        WAXWELL = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "I don't remember klei mentioning this.",

                WAVERLYWAND = "A... safer way of gaining allies.",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "I wish I had one of those.",

                WAND = "Not as bad as most types of magic.",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "Stop looking at me like that ",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "A magic strip of bark.",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "What is this? Does this even mean anything?",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "Being a tree has disadvantages.",

                    BURNT = "It couldn't put itself out.",

                    CHOPPED = "Magic always goes wrong.",

                    GENERIC = "That's an odd tree.",


                RAGECROW = "What a homopath.",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "A fancy way of gravedigging.",



        WAVERLY = {

            DESCRIBE = {

                WAVERLYMOB = "",

                WAVERLYWAND = "",

                WAVERLYHOUSE = "",

                WAND = "",

                MAGICWOOD_TWIGS = "",

                MAGICWOOD_BARK = "",

                MAGICWOOD_EYE = "",

                SPELLTOME = "",

                WEEPINGWILLOW =


                    BURNING = "",

                    BURNT = "",

                    CHOPPED = "",

                    GENERIC = "",


                RAGECROW = "",

                GRAVESHOVEL = "",






You might want to know that due to the fact that the waverlyhouse is actually Waverlys house she can use it as a tent. She can also pick items from the tree instead of having to chop it down. Does anyone not like this?

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The template I downloaded said the space where the black puffball is (between skirt and feet) was for the shoulders. I'll come up with some more sleeves

Yep, that's the sleeve when you see the char from above (no clue when that happens) above that and to the right of the skirt are the other sleeves.

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