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[Crash] Long level names KILL the game


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"September 19th update"

Issue title
Long level names KILL the game


Steps to reproduce
 Go into the level editor and name something with a long title. Attempt to press "Okay" and watch as the game gives upon itself.





Describe your issue

Even though there's a character limit to naming levels in the level editor, if the name to your level is too long, it seems to just crash the game. I tested this a few times, and yeah, after a certain length, it crashes no matter what. 


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  • Developer



Thanks for the detailed report :o)


I tried reproducing by giving an existing level a long name, but that didn't make it crash. However, when I repro exactly what you do (renaming a non-edited level), it crashes regardless of name length (this will obviously be fixed soon).


Could you possibly confirm if that's perhaps what you're seeing?




- Kaj :)

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Video 0 [i lost some footage, but nothing was really found]


Video 1 [Testing "butts", "chewing", "kicking" and "gum". Don't bother watching this one.]


Video 2 [Testing editing titles]


What I've found is it's EDITING the titles that seems to cause problems. Between videos 1 and 2, I re-installed the game, and editing the level titles is what caused the problem. [between videos 0 and 1, I changed the title card, so no, the title card is not causing any problems!]. Yeah, deleting and adding text is causing the crash, not long titles like I first suspected. Now, in Video 0, I was able to edit a FEW titles without problem, and I'm confused how, since I tried to replicate NOT crashing the game with editing titles... could this be just my computer, or an all-around issue? Maybe I should try installing the Standalone... 


The lag is from the recorder, this bug happens when I run the game smoothly without recording.

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  • Developer

Thanks - really appreciated.


Yeah, it seems editing the name of a level that has not been edited (as in, been opened in the level editor) yet caused it (although I thought I saw one time where you succeeded, that somewhat puzzles me). I confirmed this bug in code and have a fix locally that will obviously make it to release soon.


Thanks again,

Kaj (o:

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