Pigmen and torches

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We can give them hats, why not torches? If it gets dark, they should automatically pull one out and light it, if we've given them several, they should keep them in inventory and keep them lit until they run out. If they have enough, they'd be a good portable light source throughout the night. Would be handy for those evenings of "dangit, I didn't put the fire close enough to anything to be able to do stuff tonight."

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We can give them hats, why not torches? If it gets dark, they should automatically pull one out and light it, if we've given them several, they should keep them in inventory and keep them lit until they run out. If they have enough, they'd be a good portable light source throughout the night. Would be handy for those evenings of "dangit, I didn't put the fire close enough to anything to be able to do stuff tonight."

Mmmm... no. I like the fact that the pig men are afraid of the dark and run off home. Not to mention when pig men are out on a full moon that's bad for you.

However someone else suggested being able to give pig men weapons and armor... that would be interesting as you could see who is wearing what and then they'd live longer and fight harder for you. Of course if they became werepigs they should drop these weapons... and just wear the armor and become extra dangerous to you potentially. But hey, that's a risk you gotta be willing to take (or not).

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sweet idea but the fire hazard raises problems for me.. It seems more practical to introduce a "torch stand" or some similiar item into the game so you can spend extra wood or a cut rock for a place to put a lit torch for the duration of the torch.

Kevin said he was working on the torch mechanic since it can be exploited currently for infinite % of fuel. Maybe when the torches don't require you to be using them to run out of fuel, then it could be a balanced proposal.

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I like your idea actually. Miners hats are already a good provision of light from pigs but it only has downsides, It's really only to be fancy. I think being able to equip one torch to them would be pretty nice... Maybe a little bit overpowered. But a unique mechanic nonetheless.

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Pig men only run home if you do not have a torch or fire lit. At one point I had enough torches (and food and meat) to be able to take a pack of pigs with me on a two-day hike away to get a spider nest to bring the eggs closer to the village.

~edit for random idea~ Ohhh! Maybe it could be modified to where you would have to have the torch lit in your hand before handing it to the pig?

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