Wattz the Electrician

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Name: Wattz

look: red shirt with jean jacket, Light brown hair sticking up with a visor that has an electric symbol and a battery backpack.

special power: every 3 days he gets 2 electric charges ( use shown below )

backstory: an electrician was working on the job as he normaly does but when he got there he was unconisous and he was in the wild when a man named Maxwell said "say pal you dont look so good".

New items

Generator: 5 flint, 10 stone, 5 gold, 8 electric charges makes your fires light go further but doesnt make it bigger. every 7 days it needs 8 charges to keep it running.

christmas lights: doesn't keep you away from darkness but makes spiders super scared to come near you 2 wires 5 carrots. if generators not running it doesnt work

flash light: you need to charge it with the generator to use it 3 flint 1 paper it lasts for a little bit of time but can wear out, it goes down 1 charge every 0.5 seconds once it reaches 0 charge it wont work until you put it on the generator for half a day.

Wires created by refining 3 flint

thank you :p

Edited by Pig
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I looked but not to shoot your idea in the head I just didn't find a random guy being sucked into the demon's dimention as appropreate to the theme that all the other characters seem to have. Everyone seems to deserve being trapped in this nightmare and some random electrician doesn't seem as fitting. On the other hand the generator ideas were interesting though in my Baron Barrenbaron of bad news I vaguely recall mentioning something about a steam engine not that anyone really read that.

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Haha. I like some kind of really oldey-style electrician like for example Tesla. But this system is way too complicated.

By the way - people never commented my suggestions aswel I dont get it. Every lame suggestion like "add multiplayer" has always tons of comments :p

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Considering the style of how Wilson goes about his science, I'd say it's Victorian era, and so batteries and the such wouldn't make much sense, the only reason they use a light bulb symbol for research points, in my opinion, is because in a cartoony way, light bulbs represent good ideas.

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