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Pre suggestion discussion about players who steal items and log off.

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The implementation of "Drop all items on disconnect" is severely flawed. As either the native host of a world or an admin, you're still subject to dropping items upon disconnect.

What would solve this would be a whitelist while the setting is active which prevents item drops from occurring when a player is added.


However, in spite of all this, there would still be a flaw and there IS a current flaw with the alternative contemporary solution.

A player can take your precious items and disconnect with them if "Drop all items" is inactive. Even if you did have a "whitelist" the problem is that circumstances may arise and a player can decide to not relinquish items which they took.


A player recently joined my world, and I believe has a celestial crown I had given. I would have liked to retrieve my items from this player and proceed to ban this player after a threat was made against my base to have it burned. It's not behavior I like to tolerate and I don't think anyone else should, but players like this have an abundant amount of power to ruin games and hard work because they steal items. 


Somehow, I think a good QoL change would be if an admin had access to all player items somehow. The information should always be present as when a client joins a game, they have all the items equipped they logged off with.



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This was supposed to be a discussion. Not an actual suggestion that I had written out properly. 

The formal suggestion would have been a lot more expanded. A lot of ideas that come into this part of the forums often go unseen unless hyper marketed

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It makes sense here, i know much more people talk in general discussion, though klei should move this forum up next to it rather than at the bottom. (We can still talk here, though there is not much to discuss about the subject)

I think it is a good idea still regardless to check other player inventories.

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