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Multi-account griefing

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I'd usually ask this on the "questions that don't deserve their own topic" but I think this makes for a good topic to discuss

So AFAIK griefing is not punished/punishable, the klei pubs are pure chaos, which is fun. But what about using multiple accounts to grief servers? Isn't that against steam/klei's TOS?

TLDR I was playing on one of klei's South American pubs and ran into some xenophobic/homophobic guy using multiple accounts to regen and kick the entire server. Couldn't get screenshots of the chat cause I got quickly kicked. This has happened before but we managed to kick the accounts before they joined. I didn't bother posting it in here that time but eh, might aswell ask for the forums / klei's opinion.


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6 hours ago, Juanasdf said:

But what about using multiple accounts to grief servers? Isn't that against steam/klei's TOS?

Playing a game with several accounts concurrently is not in violation of the Steam Subscriber Agreement, Steam Online Conduct, or Terms of Service. I don't remember what Klei's ToS says (don't tell Joe). 

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Yeah this keeps happening. Woodie has kinda replaced willow when it comes to griefing. I think it's only one person though but I don't know if klei can do anything or will do anything, just try to watch out for griefers.

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Not a solution for the Klei pubs, but there are many dedicated servers from several DST groups where griefers can get reported and get banned on all servers of this groups (and sometimes there are also admins on the servers, who can kick/ban the griefers very fast). I never understood, why most players focus playing on the Klei servers - the only not moderated servers.

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8 minutes ago, Queron81 said:

I never understood, why most players focus playing on the Klei servers - the only not moderated servers

most other servers have mods that affect gameplay, e.g. global positions, hp bar, no thermal stone durability or changed world settings e.g. winter's feast turned on or no wildfires

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4 hours ago, Castiliano said:

I simply gave up having discussions about this here.

1. People here don't care about something that doesn't concern the USA/CANADA
2. They will just mock you and tell you to play on a private server

Most likely because:

1) KLei has no prevention policy (not mentioning the poor performance and stability) for their dedicated servers when it comes to general griefing aside spawn protection; more-so, if you check their early game trailers, griefing behavior (Willow burning camps) was depicted, probably in relation to PvP (a game-mode that had some traction when DST launched, but fully fell short quickly after, part 'cause bad balancing, part from lack of interest in long-runs Sandbox environment); it seems KLei approach to griefing comes down to "official pubs = anything gives setup" or otherwise solely lack of interest in this subject; certainly griefing prevalence can be discussed/debated, if it justifies any additional measure or not from devs' side;

2) if you followed even recent poll threads about how recurrent forumers here play, you would know majority plays only personal private servers or with friends; thus no interest in pub happenings or caring about them;

3) personally I've encountered over time forumers griefing in pubs, even on community servers; thus is understandable why certain people will "gaslight" when it comes to griefing in threads such as present one.


My advice to OP plus anyone else facing KLei official servers' griefing issues: play community dedicated servers (DST Survivors, DST Don't Fight, Diverse Survivors, DST Moon, etc - search Steam and Discord for these communities) - they're actively moderated, griefers get banned, rollbacks employed to mitigate any ill behavior (up to 2 seasons), a lot of preemptive & reparatory measures being in place; vanilla & modded servers portfolios.

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25 minutes ago, Queron81 said:

. I never understood, why most players focus playing on the Klei servers - the only not moderated servers.

They are the most active servers and thus have the most amount of people in them. One does not play in pubs for long lasting worlds, but to have fun with whoever you run into.

Edit: the chaos that griefing brings is fun to me. You strategically decide who you'll share your location. Perhaps even make decoy bases.  However this type of unavoidable griefing isn't (besides the xenophobia/homophobia obviously)

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3 hours ago, grm9 said:

most other servers have mods that affect gameplay, e.g. global positions, hp bar, no thermal stone durability or changed world settings e.g. winter's feast turned on or no wildfires

There are currently 17 servers from the DST group online without any mods. And people can always give feedback in their steam group or discord for the world settings.

3 hours ago, Juanasdf said:

They are the most active servers and thus have the most amount of people in them. One does not play in pubs for long lasting worlds, but to have fun with whoever you run into.

The DST servers have been also very active in the past. I've always played with up to 16 players, sometimes many of them played even past day 70. I miss those days. Since Klei changed the slots from 8 to 12 for their servers, people were more attracted to play on them. I think playing on the Klei servers can be very frustrating, so people start avoiding playing on pubs (because they don't know the other servers have already banned most of the griefers). I also met some griefers on the DST servers, but not that often (especially later) and we always managed to kick them - it was kind of funny, especially when there was an admin on the server.

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8 hours ago, Queron81 said:

Not a solution for the Klei pubs, but there are many dedicated servers from several DST groups where griefers can get reported and get banned on all servers of this groups (and sometimes there are also admins on the servers, who can kick/ban the griefers very fast). I never understood, why most players focus playing on the Klei servers - the only not moderated servers.

PING. There is no server that even compares to the comfort of playing on a public server. Maybe because of my country and the internet connection here. For those who have experienced this, this answer may even sound too obvious.

And unlike Juan, I don't think griefers are "fun", I think griefers are stupid in every and EVERY aspect.

I have already reported some accounts from an "organized group" of theirs and monitored to see if they were banned in any way (even if it was by Steam - they are accused of being griefers in several games, there are DOZENS of comments pages on their profiles accusing them) and they never had any ban. It's completely no man's land.

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22 hours ago, nimzowitsch10 said:

these guys are impersonating a guy that reported them. They do this to tarnish that guy's reputation. They've been doing this for months now and of course klei wont do anything

What losers.

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11 hours ago, MostMerryTomcat said:


Let's all take a respite moment to remember and appreciate gem topics like Greifers are cannon - "They are an intended."

That was about the base breaking greifers because i saw characters had quotes for greifing, not the defacaction greifers who make alts and abuse kick everyone from the server and attempt to ruin someones life.

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Yeah I saw this happening a couple weeks back, same bot names btw. Some solutions for them are:

1. for the offensive remarks you can just simply mute all of the "bots". 

2. Play on a hosted/dedicated server

3. Ignore them completely (they have been gone for several weeks by now and will eventually quit hopefully).

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