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Lag Compensation & Animation Cancellation & Public Servers

Lag Compensation & Animation Cancellation & Public Servers  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you play in public servers and turn Lag Compensation on?

    • I don't play in pubs
    • Lag Compensation ON, always
    • Lag Compensation ON, only for bad ping
    • Lag Compensation OFF, only for good ping
    • Lag Compensation OFF, always
  2. 2. Do you use animation cancellation? (Animation cancellation can cancel characters' backswing animation and increase attack speed. But that seems only possible when Lag Compensation is turned off.)

    • I don't play in pubs
    • I do cancel. Lag Compensation OFF.
    • I do cancel. Lag Compensation ON. (I thought this is impossible, how do you achieve this?)
    • I do NOT cancel. Lag Compensation OFF.
    • I do NOT cancel. Lag Compensation ON.
  3. 3. What's your general feeling towards Lag Compensation

    • It improves my game experience significantly
    • The improvement it brings is minor
    • I prefer to turn it off for speedrunning
    • Turning it off makes the game feel frustrating in pubs
    • Turning it off doesn't change the game much for me in pubs
    • I don't play in pubs
    • Others, feel free to add or not add a comment.
  4. 4. What's your general feeling towards Animation Cancellation

    • It's satisfying to watch others perform it
    • It's too much clicking for my fingers
    • I must do it
    • I only do it when I speed run
    • I think it makes the game a bit unfair to those who don't want to use it
    • It adds depth to pro skills
    • I don't want to give up lag compensation for it
    • It's a gimmick only for private server speedrunners
    • I use it all the time in public servers with good pings
    • Others, feel free to add or not add a comment. Thanks for reading!

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  • Poll closed on 01/31/24 at 03:26 AM

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1 hour ago, goatt said:

The game became kinda unbearable and incredibly frustrating (with lag compensation off)

For me it's a game changer, it becomes impossible to play WITH IT (which is on by default). 

If you're hosting, you can try optimizing your computer, using the DST Alone Mod, checking your internet conection. All of those things will further make the experience of playing without lag compensation way wayy better.

If you wanna cancel animations like speedrunners to get access to new or better strategies but you either have a bad pc, bad connection or ping, or simply don't got enough finger speed you can install a mod that does that for you. As long as this mod is not acceptable in speedrunning.com it's all ok although it's still morally wrong to do it in pubs IMO.

1 hour ago, goatt said:

But when I tried it, I ended up getting way more hits nonstop

I think that's cause you weren't used to it. Just stick to it for longer and you'll see results.

In my case, even with 0 or 80 ping I can still perfectly kite shadows in pubs cause I got used to the timing. Once you understand the timing you just press F a little earlier. The only option where I can't do it is when my connection with the server varies too much.

I'm only saying this cause I don't think you can hit shadows once before each attack with lag compensation on.

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I dont bother doing it when playing with another people tbh. It gets wonky, u have to relearn the timing and honestly thats one of the sad facts about the game: when u actually play together u have a worse experience in battles than playing solo. Two people with not as optimazed game barely cover one playing it smoothly.

It has such a huge difference that I will to play with anothers only when I like the person a lot at the point it turns into a social aspect and not worrying about progress in game at all.

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I use it sometimes, usually when dealing with hordes of mobs like 10 spiders or when I'm trying to meet a deadline, i.e i'm fighting a boss and it's about to turn winter and I don't have a star caller put down. It just takes a lot of brain power to animation cancel on everything.

I always use it on beefalo though just because beefalo combat is unbearable without it.

Edit: Btw, lag compensation off always.

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21 hours ago, shadowDigga said:

I'm surprised people who play with Lag compensation ON still exist and options given in the poll kind of push me towards the conclusion that poll maker is one of them. It isn't speedrunning that makes people turn it off but a common sense that makes an idea of trading immediate response for a "false premise of smoothness that regularly backfires into "getting hit from nowhere" and subsequent frustration" rather unappealing.

Playing with lag compensation on makes no sense. You basically want the game to lie to you about where your character is at. It is much better to get as much information as possible.

I don't even consider playing on servers above 60-70 ping anyway, it is just too frustrating. Why would anyone enjoy taking unnecessary hits that they can kite unless they have literally no other option?

22 hours ago, Guille6785 said:

these kinds of threads that treat speedrunning as something that is everywhere in the community when in reality there's only a few speedrunners are kind of bizarre to me

It seems like it is deep-seathed jealousy towards speedrunners using everything to their advantage that is somehow prevalent on forums. It makes literally no sense considering that there's literally only a handful of them and if someone is willing to put enough effort to practice that much, why shouldn't they have these small advantages? A lot of people seem to be arguing just for the sake of making the experience worse for other players when it doesn't affect them at all, I've noticed this with survival/megabase arguments quite often too.


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12 minutes ago, 00petar00 said:

You basically want the game to lie to you about where your character is at... I don't even consider playing on servers above 60-70 ping anyway... It seems like it is deep-seathed jealousy towards speedrunners using everything to their advantage that is somehow prevalent on forums

Yeah. That's what makes the game feel smoother in some way, altho not in the way you prefer. It's somewhat equivalent to making mob's attack range bigger or attack interval shorter. The main advantage is that it's easy for my brain to process, and my brain is free to be distracted and multitask, and the game feels a lot more casual and enjoyable. That's why it's important to me. I'm simply describing my experience.

Servers' ping has declined, maybe due to many good hosts have stopped hosting. At least for me, the best option used to be 30ms ish, now it's 60 to 90 ish.

There is no jealousy involved. I mentioned speedrunner just because it's related. I don't really care about speedrunning or speedrunners. I'll usually give them an upvote if I see a video on YouTube. "Using everything to their advantage" is literally just the definition of speedrunning.

Are people usually jealous of speedrunners? I've never seen any comments like that.

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i answered incorrectly 'cuz i was tired, but i ALWAYS play with it off, even with ping up in the 160s. i just like seeing what i'm actually doing in the server's view, even if it comes with the cost of ~80ms or more of delay. otherwise i'd basically always tank everything because there's literally no way to dodge or kite things with lag comp on, try killin' a tentacle with it on and ~100 ping, you're guaranteed to get hit once or twice

i really only try to anim cancel with beefalos, otherwise it's just a teeny tiny increase in damage output for me

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I prefer to turn lag compensation off because it allows me to get a hit on shadows before I have to kite, besides providing smooth kiting experience in general.

Also, I am not a speedrunner :|

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