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Is algae renewable?

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Yes to both, as long as you have renewable water from a geyser of sorts (or quite a few Morbs, but that way lies madness ;) ). Electrolyzing that water into hydrogen and oxygen directly (after cleaning/desalinating it, depending on your source) is the most common way to keep your dupes breathing, and also probably the easiest in the longer term.

The "renewable algae" route is long and pretty involved, from polluted water to polluted oxygen through Puft ranches to slime through the Algae Distiller into algae. There are shortcuts towards oxygen along the way (e.g. deodorizers to turn polluted into clean oxygen). I personally wouldn't do that unless I really wanted algae and/or the challenge of making it work.

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I've been a big fan of just letting polluted water turn into polluted oxygen.  When you start off with little algae, but plenty of water, you can use algae terrariums to make oxygen, and instead of cleaning up the polluted water, just let it pile up and off-gas.  These days I like setting up a tank to pump polluted water into that is topped with a layer of airflow tiles.  Leave some fresh water on top of those to keep the polluted oxygen trapped under it, and slap a few mesh tiles on top with air filters on top of those, and they will happily pull the PO2 through the layer of water and spit out the O2 on top.  This is also a good source of clay for making ceramic.  It also doesn't produce heat, like the electrolyzer does, so you don't have to worry about cooling.


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Yes, algae is renewable via Puft ranching, as long as you have a source of "free" polluted oxygen or polluted water. Even if you don't (often the case on the planetoid with the tree), you can build a normal-sized room, populate it with about 20 Morbs, and then lock the door and never worry about it again. Only recommended if you're running the Fast Tracks mod so the critter pathing AI doesn't kill your frame rate.

I usually end up with a Puft ranch on every planetoid because I like to use algae as a "shelf stable" source of O2 in rockets.

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