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Willow Discussion

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I am by no means a Willow main, so I want feedback from others who are. After playing her for a bit there were two things I noticed that are frustrating. 

1. it's annoying to get mass amounts of charcoal now due to how necessary the "controlled burn" skill is for all fire-related combat. this one skill not only makes it so that fire doesn't spread, but that burnable loot doesn't turn to ash immediately upon kills, and guarantees that one hit with lighter or torch will ignite the target. The latter two perks are super necessary to collect embers. But now because all things you ignite don't spread, you can't simply light one tree of a densely packed forest and rake in the coals, instead you need to painstakingly ignite each tree to get your charcoal forest. Maybe a solution is to make controlled burns toggleable by doing like ctrl+f for spreadable fires? Do other people find this annoying? Is it just me? lmk.

2. Bernie needs better control. Although I worry about him becoming too similar to Abigail, I do think there should be ways to call him off, keep him from going aggro, and then some way to easily de-aggro. I was trying to relocate some tallbird nests and made the mistake of dropping him to deal with my shadow creatures and suddenly it was a chaotic dance of me trying to keep aggro of tallbird to guide and trying desperately for Bernie not to kill it now that I had burned its nest.  Is this a common issue for Willow mains? of Bernie just being too uncooperative currently? pls let me know since this update is for y'all.

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4 minutes ago, dzzydzzy said:

it's annoying to get mass amounts of charcoal now due to how necessary the "controlled burn" skill is for all fire-related combat. this one skill not only makes it so that fire doesn't spread,

Yes, I and a lot of other Willow mains are expressing pains over this.

I don't understand why it exists when the same tree gives you the ability to instantly stop and suck up any nearby fires giving her more control than you'd ever need. 
I'd love to keep it only for burning mobs, since they panic, but its fine if fire spreads for everything else!

8 minutes ago, dzzydzzy said:

Bernie needs better control

I JUST made a post about this, aha. Some more control over letting him shrink would be nice.

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If my memory is correct, when Willow's sanity is higher than 50%, Bernie will immediately stop fighting and revert to small form.

I can't say if it needs buff or not, because I stopped being willow main sometime in late 2019. But to me using sanity to make it stop fighting - in the same way as making it start fighting - is a much cleaner and more interesting mechanic than "stop fighting now" commands or items to me.

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