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No buff for FireProof Falsetto?

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With the Wigfrid skill tree it would be the perfect opportunity to buff this useless thing, now even more useless due to the willow skill tree.

It does not even need to be a skill point, just buff it (if it had too then replace the perk that gives 5 plantar defense "Mystic Resilience")

Though there's not enough fire enemies, so the cooldown perk is a required unlock before this one.

Now to buff this thing:

It NEEDS to give 100% fire protection, 34% is like nothing.

Thats still too niche, especially now that willow is going to be played 10x more now

It should extinguish all fires that's on players and structures as well, stop it from spreading, and burnable loot does not burn while active. Example fire hound pops in your base and you can use the song! ( or use the cooldown perk for fires in general)

I have seen other ideas giving fire damage to players in mods and such, but its the FirePROOF Falsetto, its supposed to prevent fires, not cause them.  And I don't want to rework it completely. Also, it will undervalue Willow in her own update!

Also, change the price, has anyone thought "I need to get on my boat, sail at .000001 miles per hour so i don't crash into any weeds accidently, fish for a random fish, for 34% fire protection, what was kei thinking!

Soooooooooo make it cost 1 red gem, 1 papyrus, and 1 feather pencil.


You guys got any ideas?


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7 minutes ago, WhackE said:

even with 100% fire resistance it wont be that good, there aren't enough scenarios where it would actually matter. It should quite honestly just be removed from the game, or reworked to actually be useful.

I think it depends - we have stuff like lunar varg's flamethrower, so if we get more lunar and shadow fire attacks from rifts content it could potentially end up in a good place?

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