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I love people being able to join my world but I'm always afraid of people being able to join and take valuable things and maybe burn them, really why not make a lock chest so people cant take the valuable items have it as a setting lock chests on. I'm fine with them being burned or something but just having some of them locked would be great and I would have less stress about fandom's joining my world. 


Thanks for reading my idea. 


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It sounds like it'd probably be something of a complication. It could work, but it might just be easier to handle it with signs designating what you want to share and what you don't, possibly keeping more sensitive items in out of the way and/or protected areas, and in case all else fails, maintaining a backup of your world.

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the problem i have with locked chests is that you might be able to store valuables in them, but so can other people. Sure it would be nice to store your bone armor inside a special locked chest but that also means some random can lock things in their own chest before leaving the server forever. I guess this would solve the issue in specific situations but also cause similarly impactful ones.

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I agree. I think locks and keys would be great addition to the game I suggested it before too


specific part for lock and key concept


Locks and keys: Locks and keys would be crafted with an alchemy engine using solely gold nuggets. They would simply work like this... players can craft locks and lock anything which is a container or a (hamlet) house, once locked the player must open the things they locked with a key which they can craft with gold. Any keys they craft will open any lock they place on anything, players can also give their keys to other players then other players can interact with the original player's locked stuff too.

Basically, a player can keep their stuff safe and give permission to only players they trust to interact with their containers or enter their (hamlet) house.

Stuff which are locked always stay locked and using a key on them doesn't "unlock" them it just allows for interacting with the locked objects such as opening the containers or entering the house. Players which originally placed a lock on something would be able to right-click on the lock to disassemble it which drops the lock on the ground.

Locks could be hammered if PvP is enabled with the same amount of hits a stagehand requires.

There should be a world setting option to allow irreplaceable items to be placed in locked containers, but by default the option would be off so players can't lock away irreplaceable items.


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Alexzander YT has commented on multiple post that others have made and he starts talking about his problems with the game and what they should add and he's calling me egotistic that's rich honestly just because I don't have the same ideas as him and I'm the egotistic one :lol:

How dare I have my own ideas and suggestions how dare i try to not see how the game should be in to your qualifications and image of what the game should be all hail Alexzander YT let's make his vision come true because the world involves only his ideas and his mind set, I'm cutting it here no you got it wrong stop posting about yourself on other peoples suggestions

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