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Annotations for the Cookbook suggestion

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A big flaw that the Cookbook has is not actually telling what ingredients a recipe contains but rather it collects recipes attempts.

I had the idea of adding a small semi-ambiguous description for the recipes to give the player an idea of the main ingredients and being able to put Recipe Cards on the Cookbook to get this annotation but not giving a recipe combination.

  • Fish Stick: Salty fish snacks with all the healthy goods (the secret is a Stick for crunch)
  • Ice Cream: A sweet and creamy way of chilling your nerves
  • Beefalo Feed: Nothing sticky from this dish full of sticks
  • Fig-Stuffed Trunk: A big bag of meat filled with sweet stuff

I am aware that the player could experiment with different combinations to know the essential ingredients but I think this could be more helpful to learn the recipes and will make the Cookbook closer to a real one.

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3 hours ago, Just-guy said:

A big flaw that the Cookbook has is not actually telling what ingredients a recipe contains but rather it collects recipes attempts.

That is not a flaw, but a feature.

It adds more depth to the experimentation you have to do.

If you want to find out solo, you can start a binary search process of removing and adding parts.

Not just that, DST is a social game, and it also incentivizes talking to people to share recipes, like in real life.


My SO makes a banger prawn curry, if anyone wants the recipe btw.

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