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ALL DST PS4 East servers are broken

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I would like to report that every DST server for PS4 EAST are currently broken. You can join them and play for 1 day but as soon as the next day begins, the server tries to save and them promptly crashes and then restarts back at day 1. Who do we contact for this?

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Any update on this? I can find the US East servers and join them, but its exactly as op said the server breaks upon trying to load the next day and when you rejoin its the previous day. 

Ridicululous that this has persisted for so long lmao.

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On 10/24/2022 at 5:30 PM, CharlesB said:

Sorry for the delay, this should be fixed and the servers should all be up and running correctly now. I've been hanging out on East-2 for several cycles now messing around and making a mess.

The servers are broken yet again. They worked a day ago but they are back to disconnecting you and reverting back to the previous day. Just had it happen on PS4 East 4 and East 1

I guess its a good thing i dont play that much any more, even the game is telling me to do something else


Edited to add: that there is no PS4 East 3 despite there being a 4. Sometimes, after trying to play on a PS4 East server and getting booted if I refresh a clone of that PS4 East server is shown on the browser for a time with it stating im still in game on that server

PS4 East 2 seems to be the only server that works currently. 

Second Edit: Nvm, people were able to move from day 11 to day 12 on PS4 East 2 but it seems the server is now broken like the others as going from day 12 to 13 causes a disconnection.

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played pubs a bunch last month or so, they tend to work for idk 3-7 days then massive lag spikes start, lasting 1-3 days and after that the server crasher when saving for next day and rolls back to pre-lag spikes state. It's easy to recognize when it's about to crash, but that unplayable state can last multiple days

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11 hours ago, BeeClops said:

played pubs a bunch last month or so, they tend to work for idk 3-7 days then massive lag spikes start, lasting 1-3 days and after that the server crasher when saving for next day and rolls back to pre-lag spikes state. It's easy to recognize when it's about to crash, but that unplayable state can last multiple days

Time to get new servers or just delete them altogether. Why continue to drop money on servers that work 20% of the time (im being generous with that estimate). Its a shame as playing on pubs is my preference but then again i come from PC where i never had any issues with those official servers.

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Are the servers returning anytime soon?

I prefer playing with other players, you know, in Dont Starve Together...

Playing on public servers is the only satisfying way to play with others in DST as opposed to joining someone elses server and not knowing how long they are gonna play for or whether they shut the server down the moment they die. And hosting a server for others creates the dilemma of being in charge of an hours long session with no breaks.

The official servers takes the strain of hosting off of players and it kind of sucks otherwise



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