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Can Wicker Please Open Presents at a Bookcase?

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I love using the bookcase + encyclopedia as a substitute for all science and magic prototyping. Problem is, I can't open gifts at a bookcase and it seems a bit silly to have to craft a science machine if this would be its sole purpose. Any chance of making the bookcase a gift station?

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"They should just make gifts be able to be opened anywhere without the use of a machine."

That idea gets a bit complicated when you factor in controller/console users. Their bindings are already limited, and while that limitation could be eased substantially by making it possible to assign one button as a mod key so additional actions can be bound to buttons pressed while holding the assigned button, until such a function exists, it's not reasonable to require controller/console users to set another button to opening gifts when they become available, as they don't have the option to just click on an icon in the corner of the screen.

As it stands, interacting with generic research stations may be the best option for distributing these gifts, and I strongly agree that giving bookcases this property as well would be the right move, given that their properties renders alchemy engines fully redundant save for that one function.

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