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Deconstruction Staff Gems

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The deconstruction staff could destroy only green gems. It's a little irritating that opals are the only gems exempt for whatever reason (irritating lore-wise, if that's the right way to describe it, as in it doesn't make good thematic sense that exactly opals out of all the gems would be special).

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The deconstruction staff is designed like this to prevent duplicating gems. The ruin staves (including the deconstruction staff itself) are made out of 2 gems of their respective colour, and deconstructing and then crafting them with a construction amulet basically equates to infinite ruins gem gear. 

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I always thought that specifically green gems were the problem because you could get infinite of everything. It seems like you always get way more gems than you know what to do with anyway, but maybe I use ruins things far more sparingly than other people. You're already allowed to make more thulecite. Star staves already basically never die because they eventually become moon staves and none of the other items strike me as something of which it would be crazy to have an infinite supply. You can more more... lazy foragers? I guess? Also your supply of things (so long as green gems remain exempt) would remain non-infinite, just very large, but it was already very large. If the option to make more gems existed it wouldn't be used because you already get far too many gems. (I've never played on a server with 100 other people, so admittedly maybe the dynamics there are slightly different.)

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