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Could we get NOBLOCK on most followers please ?

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One of the thing I've currently a bit of trouble with Wickerbottom is how the bees from her new book prevent placing stuff underneath them. In general case I don't think there'd be any issue if mobs that follow players had no placement blockers and I really wish they all, if not most in case that could bring some issue (but I really can't think of anything problematic enough to justify it) finally stopped blocking structure placement just like Abigail do.
The extras I can think of is obviously Chester and all the others of this kind which are the most annoying at this time and I've made a tiny private mod to remove these for about a year or two I think and just fixed it for bees (also guard ones), good QoL so far. I've also done it on birds and a bunch of items that frequently spam the floor.
I guess it's too much asked to have the most of items to no longer block placement too (without removing collision later bumping them) but I can think of many that are horribly bothering.

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The birds blocking placement is a bigger problem on Xbox/using a controller, It would be a nice QoL if when the player wants to place a boat where a bird lands, the bird will fly away while your attempting to place it.

It is difficult enough just to find a spot where the freaking controller makes the boat “green” indicating I can place it, then some stupid bird lands and drops a seed and it turns “red” won’t place.

I finally understand why Woodie hates birds so much..

As a Wendy Main Abigail & your Beefalo are also super annoying while trying to base build, they both equally get in the way blocking your field of view and placement, I strongly feel like this may actually be one of Wendy’s biggest overlooked downsides, whenever I want to base build I have gotten into the habit of parking my bell bond Beefalo off screen attached to a hitching post with its bell dropped beside her, and returning Abigail into her flower: this also unfortunately leaves me wide open to attack should “Shenanigans” start happening- such as Varglet wave, or someone in base summons a birchnaut guard in base while chopping trees in base.

Ive also managed to smack Webbers followers while trying to open daily gifts, which leads to them murdering Webber.. :( 

But that’s just how the wacky controls for this game works.

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