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[Suggestion] A New Type Of Shadow Creature On Land

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A cunning shadow creature that talks and stuns your character every once a while, but deal no damage.


Name: Shady Friend


- doesn't hurt your hp.

- talks to you (dark dialogues). has -100/min insanity aura like other shadow creatures. The shadow has a human-shape body. It always comes out from behind an object, a structure, or an entity. (Imagine it appears from behind a crockpot you are cooking with, and starts to talk to you.)

- causes headache and stuns you 1.5 seconds every 15 seconds or so. The time resets every time you hit it. It will re-appear from behind objects, structure, or entities.

- its talking attack has a range of 2 tiles. Walking away from it can dodge its spell.


- can be killed by getting hit 5 times by any weapon or tool.

- can only be interacted or killed by your character. It can be seen by other players, but cannot be interacted by other players in the same server. Other players cannot help you with this one.

- add 15 sanity upon killing.


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