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Making Warly Ignore His SetPrefersEatingTags ?

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In warly.lua, he has this going for him that makes him eat foods with the tags "preparedfoods" and "pre-preparedfoods":

    if inst.components.eater ~= nil then

I've setup my own tags for Warly to eat, but these two present tags are still included in foods he can eat, which I don't want him to.

Any advice on how to make it so that these two tags get removed or are ignored?

Edit: The only thing I can think of is making a table of all the items with at least the prepared food tag and removing the tag that way, but that will just break more things instead.

Edited by lakhnish
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1 hour ago, lakhnish said:

In warly.lua, he has this going for him that makes him eat foods with the tags "preparedfoods" and "pre-preparedfoods":

    if inst.components.eater ~= nil then

I've setup my own tags for Warly to eat, but these two present tags are still included in foods he can eat, which I don't want him to.

Any advice on how to make it so that these two tags get removed or are ignored?

Edit: The only thing I can think of is making a table of all the items with at least the prepared food tag and removing the tag that way, but that will just break more things instead.

function Eater:SetPrefersEatingTag(tag)
    if self.preferseatingtags == nil then
        self.preferseatingtags = { tag }
        table.insert(self.preferseatingtags, tag)

The SetPrefersEatingTag function places the tag into a table in the eater component that goes by 'preferseatingtags', you can loop through this table for Warly and remove any undesired tags in his prefab post init.

for k, tag in pairs(inst.components.eater.preferseatingtags or {}) do --loop through this table (the 'or {}' is there just in case for whatever reason preferseatingtag is somehow nil, and thus it'll just default to an empty table to loop through)
	if tag == "preparedfood" or tag == "pre-preparedfood" then --if the tag is one of our undesired ones..
		inst.components.eater.preferseatingtags[k] = nil --clear it from the table

You could also just re-initalize the preferseatingtags table back to an empty one to completely clear it, but I suppose this way you get support with any other mod that also adds to this table for Warly specifically and whatever unique tags they may have added doesn't get removed.

Edited by Hornete
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Thank you very much! I couldn't figure out how to remove that tag from that table.


For those looking at this in the future, you also need to check to make sure that the component eater isn't nil before running the code or else you'll crash.

AddPrefabPostInit("warly", function(inst)
	if inst.components.eater ~= nil then
		for k, tag in pairs(inst.components.eater.preferseatingtags or {}) do 
			if tag == "preparedfood" or tag == "pre-preparedfood" then 
				inst.components.eater.preferseatingtags[k] = nil 


Edited by lakhnish
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