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How local co-op works?

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Hello people!

I play on PC, and I talked so much about DST to a friend that he ended up buying it... On PS4.

So could you kindly explain how local co-op works?

Player 2 must have a profile on PS4? Must have a Klei account (Like the player number?)

I don't think his wife has any of those things.

And as he was the one who bought it, obviously I don't have any reference to understand the subject, I don't have a PS4.

And since he bought the game because of me, I don't want to see him racking his brains to find out.

If not, he won't even have fun because he had to stress out first.

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1 hour ago, Notecja said:

Both players must be PC or Console. There is no cross play.

My intention is not to play with him, but to understand what the second player needs to have to play locally with him. In this case, his wife.

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Every co op game on ps4 requires all the players to have a profile. But, as far as I can tell, the second profile doesn't need to have an account linked to it if they are playing offline. Anyway, his partner should create an account in order to unlock dlc characters in the future. 

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