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Maybe a combat update?.

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I think a rework for the combat gameplay would be good for the game, actually the combat is not very exciting, we need a more skill based combat, in this moment the gameplay is just hit, run some tiles, return and hit again, it is really boring sometimes .

Maybe a new mechanich in which you have to click or Press f with some kind of rythm would do it .



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It works just fine, but it's up to klei to make the mobs themselves interesting.

On 3/12/2022 at 4:24 AM, Guille6785 said:

this isn't a fighting game bruh

 it would be very foolish to pretend combat isn't a massive part of the game though

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20 minutes ago, Well-met said:

it would be very foolish to pretend combat isn't a massive part of the game though

I don't mean combat isn't important, I mean combat being simple and intuitive fits perfectly fine in a game that primarily targets other gameplay aspects


and this is more of a personal thing but I find myself playing a lot with friends who have basically never played any videogame except for dst and they simply can't kite enemies well (no matter how simple it may be for someone like me who has played videogames their entire life), so instead they avoid combat as much as possible and prefer using alternate strategies to obtain resources indirectly, so combat can actually be mostly done without in this game too

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